View Full Version : 3d Detail View

2009-08-26, 07:43 PM
So I created a 3D detail view by orienting a 3D view to a section detail. But, the various model patterns I use to distinguish wood siding from stone is not appearing in the view. Any reasons why this is the case?

cliff collins
2009-08-26, 07:57 PM
Make sure the materials ( wood, stone, concrete, etc. ) that need to show a pattern in section have a "cut pattern" turned on, under Materials.

As a test, I tried taking a 3D view and using the View Cube, right clicking
selected Orient to other View, Section--and the section does
show the materials cut. I could change the material cut pattern and it updates
automatically in the section.


2009-08-26, 08:03 PM
The materials cut are showing the appropriate fill pattern. The surface patterns are not displaying.

I just made a 2nd 3D detail view, and in this one the surface patterns are displaying, but I cannot determine the difference in settings between the two views. In each, the materials are the same, so it must be a view setting. though, I do not know why they would be different.