View Full Version : Markup Inclusion in Symbol Catalog Insertion

2009-08-27, 04:39 PM
DESCRIPTION: In order to create a "master" DWF floor plan containing markups from each merchandise team (8 total); we would like to utilize the Symbols catalog to essentially overlay each DWF plan. The markup on the inserted DWF need not be editable, just to be included with the catalog. Retaining the color sheme from the inserted DWF would be useful.

HOW USED: Our retail Principles need to see one floor plan containing each merchandise teams' markups to analyze adjacencies. Currently, for over 800 stores, someone must copy/paste each teams' markups to one master DWF floor plan for each floor of our stores. Some stores have 16+ floors! We could instead overlay each team's DWF on top of each other in one "master" plan ONLY IF the markups came with the symbol catalog insertion. Our user base is over 1,000 merchandise planners/buyers. They love the symbol drop and immediate square footage number that DR gives them; but this wish list item would really enhance DR's advantage for the retail market.


2010-01-22, 09:12 PM
Will this be added to the WISH LIST for Submittal to Autodesk? It is a critical issue for the retail market - we are a unique voice for Autodesk. I put it on the discussion group pages as well. Please help.