View Full Version : rotating project north problem

2009-08-29, 06:30 PM

Using Revit Architecture 2009....

I see that this has been discussed before, but I'm not getting to an answer to what should be simple task. Here's my path:

1. I have inputted site survey coordinates, and have a project property lines correctly oriented so that true north is straight up and the lines are on a 5deg angle. This is done on the site plan view, which is oriented to True North.

2. Next, what I'd like to do is orient the floor plan view so that the right side of the plan is straight up and down....so that I can draw walls orthogonally. Logic would then tell me that I should rotate Project North to match the right side of the site. The site survey ought to retain its angled orientation on the site plan view (oriented to true north) and the floor plan should look orthogonal (oriented to project north).

Now, this is not happening. On the site plan, when I reorient project north to the right side of the site (clicking on the line), instead of leaving the survey alone, it rotates it too far counter clockwise. Then, when I go to the floor plan, instead of being orthogonal, the survey there too appears rotated to far counter clockwise.

I don't understand what is happening. This should be a very simple task.

If I instead rotate true north, the coordinate values of the site survey all change, although now things at least look orthogonal.

Umm.....what am I doing wrong?

Scott Womack
2009-08-30, 10:53 AM
Youshould have rotated the project to true notrh before drawing the proerty lines. Revit will rotate everyting in the project when true north is rotated.

2009-08-30, 04:25 PM
Doesn't the project start off with True North pointing up? True North is fine. What I want to rotate is the Project North, so that the site plan shows True North pointing straight up, and then the floor plan shows Project North pointing straight up (with True North angling slightly right).

Did you used to work with Marc Mondor?

-Derek Rubinoff

Dimitri Harvalias
2009-08-30, 05:23 PM
Revit assumes that True north and Project north are the same. By default, the view orientation parameter is set to Project North.
If you want to draw your property lines relative to true north you'll want to first set the view to true north as Scott suggested, then draw your property lines. Use your site plan view for this.
Go to the floor plan view and it will already be set to project north so you can just start your walls and you'll be drawing/modeling them at project north, straight up and down the view