View Full Version : Structural Foundation Tag

2009-09-01, 07:10 PM
Maybe i'm missing something but when i go to try to create a tag for structural foundations i cant tag the area or the volume...any one else have his issue? I can schedule both, but not tag? When i try to create a project parameter for volume it doesnt read the actual volume. Is there any way to tag the volume?

2009-09-02, 05:42 AM
Unfortunately voume (and area) is something that you can't put in a tag, except as a shared paramater, and you cannot make your shared paramater equal the actual parameter with a formula.

If you use a shared parameter, you will need to then physically type in the value that shows under the real value, however, if your footings are set by type, then you could make the shared pramater a type parameter, and it will reflect in all your tags.

You will of course need to remember to change the value for each new size, but it will work, although not quite bim.

2009-09-02, 04:18 PM
I am assuming these are isolated foundations that you want to tag.... If so

Yes, if you setup a Shared parameter (one for volume and one for area) in the footing family and in the foundation tag family you will be able to Tag those quantities. The key is to define the shared parameters as Volume and Area under the Type of Parameter field. You can then use formulas to calculate the volume and area.

This method will not work for wall foundations (strip ftgs) or slab foundations however....