View Full Version : Dim to Cen of flat profile?

2004-11-10, 02:15 PM
I have a rectangle shaped profile that I'm using as panel molding. I need to dimension from the center of one strip of molding to another several places. The only way I have been able to dimension to the center (since there isn't a line there) is to add a ton of reference lines which I have to keep or the dimension gets deleted with the reference line. I know I can turn the reference planes off in that view, but all those reference planes are on all my other views and drawings. Is there a better way to do this?

2004-11-10, 02:59 PM
Like this?

2004-11-10, 03:40 PM
Sorry, I wasn't very clear. This is actually what I'm talking about.

2004-11-10, 06:24 PM
How's this look?

2004-11-10, 06:43 PM
I appreciate your time, but I'm not sure I understand what your showing me. It looks like the same file I posted. Except the dimension on the right is now split into 2 dimension, each 2'6"

I am trying to dimension to the center of the trim stock (where I had to place ref. planes). I don't want to use reference planes, but that was the only way I could pick the middle of the trim stock.

Hold on, maybe a light is just coming on. I noticed that you used a centerline (detail line) to dimension to. That would be much better than using ref. planes since they show only in that view.

Is that what you're telling me, that the only other way, is to use detail lines? That works better but, I was hoping that there was something I could do to the profile that would allow me to dimension to the middle of it.

2004-11-10, 06:47 PM
Yes. Detail lines. They can be snapped to the midpoint of your object. Unfortunately you can't do much about the in-place family. That is why I prefer the hosted family. Even if you have to make several families to cover all the conditions, in the end it will be faster and more flexible than in-place families.

2004-11-10, 06:52 PM
Thanks Aaron, I really appreciate the help.

You ever decide to run for KING, you got my vote :grin: