2009-09-04, 12:34 PM
Associate imported Grid Lines with Clash Detection
How Used:
This may be asking a lot, but I would find it a great tool if there was a way to designate within Navis where the column lines are. Sure, you can import a file locating where the lines are, but during clash detection it would be great if it could spit out where the nearest column lines/intersection is to the clash. This would make it a lot easier when trying to determine exactly where a clash is, especially when it falls in the middle of a complex building with irregular finish floor elevations (aka an Aquarium).
I personally find Navisworks clash reports next to useless and always end up generating my own redlined pdfs for meetings marking where the collision occurs in the building. A more automated/better clash report generation would be much appreciated.
Associate imported Grid Lines with Clash Detection
How Used:
This may be asking a lot, but I would find it a great tool if there was a way to designate within Navis where the column lines are. Sure, you can import a file locating where the lines are, but during clash detection it would be great if it could spit out where the nearest column lines/intersection is to the clash. This would make it a lot easier when trying to determine exactly where a clash is, especially when it falls in the middle of a complex building with irregular finish floor elevations (aka an Aquarium).
I personally find Navisworks clash reports next to useless and always end up generating my own redlined pdfs for meetings marking where the collision occurs in the building. A more automated/better clash report generation would be much appreciated.