View Full Version : Shadows - Daylight saving all year round?

2009-09-07, 07:50 AM
I thought I'd checked this when v2009 first came out, but now it doesn't look right to me (v2009 SP3 or v2010) . . . .
If you tick the box "Automatically adjust clock for daylight savings changes" in the "Manage places and locations" dialog box, it seems to be a global project setting for all dates & times.- it automatically subtracts an hour regardless of the time of year and location in the world. I was expecting Revit to only apply the daylight saving change when it was relevant - ie. December 21st in southern states of Australia it should apply; but not on June 21st (vica versa in N hemisphere). I guess I figured that Revit would check with the Windows settings to decide when to apply it, but of course that is not sensible as the project location may not be in the same as the computer you use to run the shadow study. That means that we (users) have to decide if daylight savings apply for any given location and date - therefore the setting should NOT be a global one, but should be associated with the individual named setting.
Am I missing something obvious?