View Full Version : walkthrough path - change in elevation

2009-09-07, 12:16 PM
I'm using revit 2009 - is there any way to spec. a specific height of a key-frame? Individual key-frames don't seem to have their own element properties, or none that i can find. The only chance i can see to spec. a height is before i finish path creation and then that's for the whole path. I've created a walkthrough where the camera tracks around a lower floor, goes up a set of stairs, runs around the second level then comes back down the stairs again. what is frustrating me is that i can't set the height of each individual key-frame...the only way i can seem to achieve different heights of key-frames is to go into an elevation view and manually move each key-frame by clicking it with my mouse and manually moving it up or down. This really sucks as not only is this method difficult to line up the different key-frames on a certain level for a smooth walkthrough, but it's almost impossible to tell which key-frame is which when viewed from the side. EG- if i had the camera go around in a circle (in plan view) with, say, 10 keyframes, then i switch to elevation view, how can i tell which key-frame is on the near-side and which is on the far side? using a 3D view doesn't really help, i can see which point i want to pick but moving them (again manually) won't keep it a dead-straight vertical movement. this is driving me insane...please tell me there's an easier way...

2009-09-09, 10:37 AM
ok, nobody seems to know but i have found a solution staring me in the face. like when you create topography, you can type your elevation into a box on the menu bar before placing each point.

2009-09-09, 03:30 PM
What you are trying to achieve can be done very easily in say something like 3dsmax where you have tool for animation. Like a camera to follow a path and use keyframe, not in Revit.
If you are serious about animation i strongly suggest you get into 3dsmax but if it's only for a limited use there's plenty of workaround in Revit, just not efficient.