View Full Version : Upgrading families to 2010 - Enter Interactive Mode...

2009-09-08, 03:41 AM

I'm trying to run the batch family upgrade utility to upgrade some families to the 2010 file format. When I initiate the process, Revit enters "interactive mode". Thinking the problem could be tied to a particular family, I tried editing the "famlist_rfa.txt" file so Revit would start the process with a different file. I got the same result.

What is causing this, and how can I resolve the problem?

2009-09-08, 12:02 PM

I'm trying to run the batch family upgrade utility to upgrade some families to the 2010 file format. When I initiate the process, Revit enters "interactive mode". Thinking the problem could be tied to a particular family, I tried editing the "famlist_rfa.txt" file so Revit would start the process with a different file. I got the same result.

What is causing this, and how can I resolve the problem?

How soon does it happen? Revit is encountering something it isnt expecting when its running the journal file. IE a prompt, a dialogue box, an error message in one of the files. It could even be initializing revit, if there are missing template folders, write privileges lacking to the folder it needs to write too. etc.

How soon does it happen?

2009-09-08, 12:54 PM
Try doing the process manually. You'll probably find that you have a file problem like redundant filename or no write permission.

2009-09-08, 01:23 PM
When I hit this, I'll note the file name. Manually upgrade that file. Then edit the batchs file, deleting the file names down to that one. Then restart the process.

With several thousand files, I find this happens at least a dozen times on an upgrade.

2009-09-08, 04:07 PM

I had neglected to note in my original post that the permissions of the .rfa files and folders were set to read-write prior to the execution of the batch update. Revit would enter "interactive mode" immediately on startup.

What I did not do is check the permissions of the cached thumbnail files (thumbs.db). These were set to read-only. I simply deleted all of these thumbs.db files. After that action, the batch update ran w/o problems.

2009-09-08, 04:09 PM
Glad to hear you got it sorted out. I typically run the "BackupRemover.bat" right after the upgradeRFA bat, to get rid of all the old versions, lol...