View Full Version : partition types

2009-09-08, 07:01 PM
I've set up a series of partitions that we have in our project and I'm trying to create a Partition Types sheet for the wall details. I realize that I can do this in a few different ways, but I'm trying to do it as a legend. The gyp and concrete walls come in fine, and the only real problem I'm having is that I cannot add our curtain wall mullions or panels to the page.

Has anyone done this and do you have any pointers?

Mike Sealander
2009-09-08, 09:54 PM
Don't use legends.
Create a future phase (I call it Annotations) and put all your components in that future phase. I actually build a little generic floor and some generic walls in that phase, off to one side. Then I use section views to create window, wall, door, whatever legends. A lot of people use this trick.

2009-09-08, 10:30 PM
As mike mention that's a work around that i also use for stuff like "taggable" elements that cannot be tag in legends. Make sure you explain to the team/firm what legends will be use for to avoid confusion.

2009-09-08, 10:55 PM
Thanks, I will look into making the sheets in a future phase. I'm assuming that I'd be able to control whether this information made it onto the schedule since it's in a different phase?

2009-09-08, 10:59 PM
Exactly since schedule are phase aware

2009-09-08, 11:28 PM
Is there any reason you're making this a future phase as opposed to a pre-existing phase called "Management Phase"? I could see a future phase get in the way of a new construction project where someone leaves a view or schedule set to "show all".

I sure wish Revit had a sandbox of sorts for stand alone modeling which could be used for this sort of thing or 3d details which are stand alone. It would make detailing a cut away view easy and not get in the way of most of the parametric information. a 3D legend of sorts, just make sure it is tagable.

2009-09-09, 12:04 AM
Is there any reason you're making this a future phase as opposed to a pre-existing phase called "Management Phase"? I could see a future phase get in the way of a new construction project where someone leaves a view or schedule set to "show all".

I sure wish Revit had a sandbox of sorts for stand alone modeling which could be used for this sort of thing or 3d details which are stand alone. It would make detailing a cut away view easy and not get in the way of most of the parametric information. a 3D legend of sorts, just make sure it is tagable.

I use three phases, all BEFORE existing, for that very reason.

I have:


I have 2 annot phases because some legends need to show the grpahic overrides of "Existing" items, which would require something to be made previously and shown as existing. Same for Demo legends. Then everything not already demod gets demolished in AnnotDemo, and when you get to Existing you have a clean slate.

I put everything around the origin, since itll be gone before the project. I also keep a 3d view called AnnotDemo, set to that phase, showing "Show previous and demo." When you go in there, EVERYTHING visible should be red (demo override). its an easy check.

2009-10-29, 08:52 PM
We've used the above sections for wall partition types in my previous projects but now we are wanting to not have to do this for every new project. We've also looked into adding these to are template but until we get a good library of standards we are not going there. We also like the idea of doing sections for are wall types but these are difficult to copy from one project to the next.

Anyone have any other ideas or other suggestions? Hey Autodesk you could help all of us with this if you like!


2009-10-29, 08:55 PM
The methods described above give you a perfectly viable option for setting up importable, live, repeatable details for partition schedules.

Aside from that, im not sure what else you want Autodesk to do?

2009-10-29, 09:21 PM
Aaron, I assume those 3 previous phases are set up in your template, correct? Do you pre-populate your template with any particular geometry and/or views (other than the demo 3D view)?

2009-10-29, 09:46 PM
Absolutely. The "Master Legend Floor Plan" exists already (Annot 2: Show previous and New), as does the "Master Legend RCP" with the same settings, as do all of the callouts/dependant views, sections, and elevations for most of the typical uses that we have these created for.

Partition schedules, graphical keys, Door legends, window legends, Storefront Legends... Theyre all created in the template, and most of them are on sheets already (where necessary).

For the partition types, the users just load the model groups, place them in the floor plan, place the attached detail group, demo in the 3d view, and go about their business...