View Full Version : Yes/No Parameter as Text

2009-09-09, 02:00 PM
I am blanking here...

How do I use a Yes/No parameter to display text as "Yes" or "No"? Check is "Yes", else "No".

====more on this===

If I have yes/no checkbox, I would rather this work like a choice pulldown. Either yes or no, but display the test instead of a check.

2009-09-09, 02:29 PM
You'll need two parameters. One yes/no parameter and one text parameter. The text parameter would be controlled by the yes/no parameter.

clog boy
2009-09-09, 02:30 PM
I am blanking here...

How do I use a Yes/No parameter to display text as "Yes" or "No"? Check is "Yes", else "No".

====more on this===

If I have yes/no checkbox, I would rather this work like a choice pulldown. Either yes or no, but display the test instead of a check.
Yes/no parameters usually concern visibility parameters (yes for visible, no for invisible, check the properties of any element and click the grey box behind 'visible'). They can also be used to set parameters, for instance if you want another parameter to be a set value or refering to another parameter depending on a condition (=if formula with Excel syntax)

2009-09-09, 03:13 PM
You can't get a list to pick from. But like it was mentionned you need to use visibility for that.
Depending on wht you need a tag might be worth looking at too

2009-09-09, 04:50 PM
I created two parameters: a Yes/No parameter called "Yes No" and a Text parameter called "Yes No Value".
The value of "Yes No Value" shows "Yes" when the box is checked and "No" when the box is unchecked. This is done with a simple formula: if(Yes No, "Yes", "No")
See attached thumbnails.
What you do with the "Yes No Value" parameter is up to you. It would really only have use in an annotation family as a Label.

2009-09-09, 06:31 PM
I perfer using a NOT instead of IF when there's only 2 parameters.

2009-09-09, 06:50 PM
I perfer using a NOT instead of IF when there's only 2 parameters.

I prefer Bourbon instead of Scotch.

How do you use a NOT instead of IF when trying to return a text value from a Yes/No parameter?