View Full Version : Area Fills in V7

2004-11-11, 06:51 PM
What is up with the area fills in 7. In 6.1 I did an area plan that was on wireframe mode so I could see the fill to the exterior wall faces. I also did this because I had furniture there as well and wanted to see the fill beyond. I opened the same file in 7 and the area when in wireframe mode covers everything. Is this a bug? Is another way around this?

2004-11-11, 09:36 PM
There are known problems with fills in V7.0.

We are looking into restoring 6.1 behavior, so don't update things unless you have to.

2004-11-11, 09:47 PM
Thanks Beegee,

I just got off the phone with Support. They are looking into it as well. Same people I guess. It should just be able to "move to front, move to back etc." but for some reason that isn't an option. The 6.1 version of area fills worked nicely I thought. Hopefully this issue gets resolved soon. I have a set of drawings that is messed up now as a result of this change. No deadlines in the near future though. Thank God!

2004-11-11, 09:57 PM
That's area fills not filled regions, right? Looks really weird. Did you check the usual suspects (category visibility and friends)?

Give client support a try.

2004-11-11, 10:08 PM
That's area fills not filled regions, right? Looks really weird. Did you check the usual suspects (category visibility and friends)?

Give client support a try.

Yes they are area fills. In V6 you could make the view wire frame to show "the actual" area color fill. In V7 it covers everything. In hidden line mode the walls furniture floors cover the area fill. This issue is that if I am doing a "gross area calc" of a building I need to show correctly. I.E. the actual extents of the fill that go all the way to exterior wall faces. When in hidden line mode the fill shows only to the interior wall faces. Basically graphically it gets mis represented which confuses the client as well as my boss. Hope that gives you a better understanding of the issue at hand.

PS. I called Revit support also right after my first post & they have reported the issue as well.

2004-11-11, 10:37 PM
So it's not the same problem as the other one - where filled regions stop obscuring stuff. Client support will make sure this gets attention.

2004-11-11, 10:42 PM
So it's not the same problem as the other one - where filled regions stop obscuring stuff. Client support will make sure this gets attention.

You're not understanding. It is "Area Fills", NOT FILLED REGIONS. It is the same problem as my initial post.

My # is (949) 376-7160 if you want me to clarify in more detail.

2004-11-11, 10:45 PM
Fedor's referring to my reply to your question where I referred to ....then he referred to... then you .... oh forget it... :Oops:

2004-11-11, 10:52 PM

2004-11-11, 11:51 PM
My bad! Sorry about that. It was hard to explain to Revit Support so I am a little frusterated.