View Full Version : Jumping / shifting graphics - not like others

2009-09-17, 12:39 PM
In the past week or so I've noticed that when I first open a file, the first few times I select objects, the drawing window and screen "jump" down, with an extra bar appearing below the ribbon (or the bar going away completely), which also cause a "drag" function to execute.

After a few selects and Undo's, the problem seems to go away. Actually, all it really takes it one object selection, and then one Undo command, and then all is fine.

Now I know what most of you are thinking, but no, I do NOT have the Project Browser undocked. It is in its normal position on the left side. I'm on the same nVIDIA Quadro FX550 card I've had for nearly 3 years, and WU1 is installed. Machine is a dual dual-core Xeon running XP Pro 32-bit SP3. I'm running the 178.46 graphics driver version, which I believe is what Autodesk recommended I use in a previous support case.

According to nVIDIA, 162.65 is the partner-certified driver with Autodesk, and 182.46 and 182.65 are also available.

However I've been running the 178.46 driver for months, and just recently started noticing this issue in the past week or two.

2009-09-17, 12:55 PM
It does it for us here too, inconsistantly. For us it does it IN the project browser. You select a view, the "blank options bar" appears immediately, making it almost impossible to double click a view when it happens.

Its not consistant, not on machines, not on certain models... It comes and goes. Very strange.

2009-09-17, 12:58 PM
Yes, when I single-click on a view in the PB, the Options bar disappears completely. When I click on an object, the Options bar doubles and whatever I selected ends up being drug some amount, apparently equal to the same number of pixels on the screen, whatever that distance may be depending on the zoom level.

Usually I just have to pick one object, Undo the resulting Drag command, and then all is fine.

I have opened a support request with Adsk.

2009-09-17, 12:59 PM
I couldnt reproduce it if i had to, it comes and goes at its own behest. So i havent bothered.

2009-09-17, 03:28 PM
Kudos to ADSK support, they responded in less than 1 hour this morning.

Hi Patrick,

The issue you are describing has been logged with the development team and is currently under investigation with the Revit 2010 products. The issue appears to be related to having the Press and Drag option selected, and seems to happen more often on machines with dual monitors or with a single display set at a high resolution. I will link this to the development team's investigation and send an update as soon as I have more information from their end. In the meantime, you may want to try clearing the Press and Drag option.

Unfortunately I drag things quite a bit, so I don't really want to turn off Press & Drag :(

2009-09-17, 04:16 PM
I have this bug on my support requests list as well. Un-checking Press & Drag will help a lot, to reduce the accidental moves, but the bug occurs regardless of if this is checked or not.

With all of my users, it tends to go away if they dock the PB in the default location and close and restart Revit. It's rare that it happens to me but did again just this morning. Restarted Revit and it was back to normal.

2009-09-17, 05:50 PM
see that's the thing, my PB has always been docked in the default location. Yet I get this issue anyway...

2009-09-17, 06:04 PM
see that's the thing, my PB has always been docked in the default location. Yet I get this issue anyway...Me too, I never move mine, but it seems more common when the PB is on a second monitor. I have found that the restarting trick won't work if your PB is not in the default location.

2009-09-17, 06:15 PM
I had the same problem. It turned out it was the Option Bar under the ribbon was docked at the bottom of the page. When I returned it to its default location under the ribbon the problem went away.

When I picked an object in Revit it caused the Option Bar to redraw/rescale when the Bar was docked at the bottom of the screen, and this action causes the screen to quickly jump up and down. This actually caused the selected item to move on the screen, that is why unchecking Press & Drag helps somewhat. I agree with Aaron, no one in our office has Press & Drag turned on, and while a few people were using it intially, it soon proved to be a liability.

The jumping was a sporadic problem, and seemed to be more extreme the more views I had open.

Most obvious cause was graphic card issues, but as we only experienced this on specific machines, and as no two boxes were identically spec'd I was unable to identify the root cause.

Hope this helps, cause that screen jumping was driving me crazy.

2009-09-17, 07:49 PM
Tell Support that is certifiably NOT THE CASE. NO ONE in my office has Pree and Drag turned on, i turn it off on every machine when i install Revit. Its off on mine, and its off on the other machines that have the problem.

Also, ALL of our Project Browsers are docked in the default location. No UI edits have happened at all except for additions to the QAT. Were on 22 inch widescreens at 1680x1250. Its not *that* high resolution, considering the size of the screen...

2009-09-18, 12:13 PM
bleh I don't like P&D turned off... takes an extra click every time I want to move the position of a dimension string. :-x

2009-09-18, 04:16 PM
I'm experiencing this issue as well. Additionally, in my case the screen seems to generate -four- addtional blank options bars at the top of my screen. My project browser, option bar and ribbons are all in the default position. I do use two monitors however. There are certain objects in our library that were designed with press & drag in mind when using that reduces the number of clicks to move objects considerably, so I find it unfortunate that I have to keep it off at all times just to prevent stuff jumping around on me randomly.

2009-09-18, 05:13 PM
Thats my whole point though. Turning it off obviously isnt a solution if everyone in my office has it turned off and were stille experiencing the problem at random...

2009-09-18, 05:31 PM
I just realized my post made it out to sound like a solution! heh. Sorry that wasn't my intention. In fact, turning press & drag off doesn't solve the core issue of causing my screen to jump around. Also, unlike patricks, simply undoing the command that caused it to happen hasn't ever fixed the issue for me. Usually the only thing that helps is completely restarting Revit, but even that isn't always reliable.

I was responding moreso to autodesk's response, in that the Press & Drag option is a poor and unreliable solution. Sorry about that.

2009-09-19, 12:56 PM
I find that with P&D off, I don't even have to Undo anything. I will click on something once after I open a file, there will be a quick shift on the screen, and then I'm on my way. No problems after that, at least until I close it and open another file. Weird.

2009-09-24, 03:57 PM
We also have P&D off by default for all users and still have the issue, restarting does not make it go away and unlike patrick it doesn't go away, they can be working all day and it continues to do this, and we have the project browser in the default location, options bar in default location, so I don't think support is really on to anything here.

My solution for now is Use2009UI=1

2010-03-08, 08:45 PM
I just noticed today that the jumping issue seems to only happen when I have a building file and a site file inter-linked together. Other files by themselves do not exhibit the UI "jumping" issue.

2010-03-08, 10:26 PM
Similar post below.


We have been unable to find a 'solution' to this issue, there is a 'fix' in the above post, but the general feeling is it doesn't work that well...
