View Full Version : Error - "...past its end..."

Adam Mac
2009-09-18, 12:23 AM
Hi All -

my RAC2009 has been crashing with annoying regularity lately while trying to save a particular family. It seems to be related to when I load another component into the original family, add locating paramters to the component and then try and save the file. It bombs and I get the message as shown. (attached).

Any ideas from anybody? :?

2009-09-18, 06:26 AM
Can't speak for the family itself but it would be good to submit to Autodesk to see if they can find anything corrupt. The message itself is a database error that I've seen over the years with Access, Microstation and with Revit. It is a bad message...the file is toast, it failed to save correctly and Revit can't figure out which is the start or end of the file data structure. Its unlikely to help but you could try to open it again using the Audit option. If that fails then your only option at this point is to start with a back up from the previous successful save.

Any chance there have been some recent IT changes that could affect your connectivity to the server folder(s) that the file(s) are stored in? The typical response you'll get is, "We haven't changed anything that would cause that", but they are always doing something, tweaking this or that. Dig enough and you may find that they were trying some new permission or group policy midday and that happened to affect your ability to save...but keep in mind they didn't do anything. :smile: Especially since it isn't happening now.

Reminds me of a story...I worked with a guy who crashed the company mini-van in a snow storm. One of the other guys knew that he had a habit of smoking an illegal kind of cigarette on the way back from job sites. He asks him, "You weren't high were you?". He responds, "NO!...and if I was I'm not now!!" Yeah...he wasn't smoking...uh uh... :wink:

Andre Carvalho
2009-09-18, 12:17 PM
I've had this problem a couple of times as well. However, to me it always happened when dealing with files that were downloaded or received over FTP. Downloading the file again always solved the problem, which makes me believe it is related to bad data corrupting the file during the transmission the first time it was downloaded.

Andre Carvalho

2009-09-18, 01:13 PM
"Past its end" means the file is not complete. I.e., the save (or download) did not complete. We had a user (note the past tense) who would consistantly work in a project and Save at the end of the day, and then close Revit because the hour glass cursor changed back to an arrow. But, Revit wasn't done saving yet, so his 35Mb project would only be 7Mb. He'd attempt to open the project the next day and... "past its end" would pop up. The impatience of the user was truncating the file. It would be nice if Revit wouldn't close until a file save was complete.