View Full Version : Curved Wall, windows not following curve.

2009-09-18, 05:09 PM
I have a facade which is curved and I want to host the windows not so that they follow the curve but are at an angle so that they are parallel to the corridor wall inside. So the wall is curved but the windows do not follow the curve. See screenshot.

What is the best way to accomplish this?

I've thought of putting a "fake" wall imbeded into my curved wall so that I can host the window into it and then hide the wall but then I have problems joining and having the openings cut properly, having to hide the walls everywhere, etc, etc, etc. It snowballs.

I've attached a screenshot showing the curved wall and an example straight wall with the desired openings and window orientation in the wall. The reference planes demonstrate the window locations also.

Any thoughts?


2009-09-18, 06:47 PM
In looking at your screen shot I think the answer to your question lies in how are you ACTUALLY going to build it? You have a cavity wall construction and you are trying to place a window such that one jamb is near flush with the face of the veneer (brick?) while the other jamb is almost flush with the back of the backup wall or in some instances projects inside. from a constructability perspective, how will you anchor the window? How will you properly flash the window openings and provide a continuous air barrier? I think that your 'fake' wall would likely not be fake. You will likely need to have framing that is parallel to the window.

2009-09-18, 07:25 PM
Just make a unhosted window.
Then cut the openings in the wall manually. Probably have to use an in-place family to cut the voids the way you want. Or maybe build the wall from smaller pieces and layers so you have more control over joins.

2009-09-23, 08:59 PM
Thanks for the quick response. I managed to get it working, but we abandoned the option due to issues of constructability. Its funny because if it's that hard to model in revit, fat chance trying to build it!

Thanks again