View Full Version : arc or circle resolution

2009-09-23, 04:28 AM
I have browsed around and googled myself silly but I am struggling with the following:

if I model a cylinder/extrusion ( let's say 1/4" diameter ) the circle consists of about 24 segments or so, when looked at from further away it looks smooth but zoomed in you can clearly see the segments. Now if I put another cylinder next to it, about 1foot in diameter and look at them both, they seem to have the same amount of segments.

when setting up a nice close render I will have a big segmented cylinder next to the small one ( that looks good now from further away )

how can I control the resolution of the circle or arcs, it is bugging me when making i.e lampshades and other small scale families that I place in close up scenes... I cannot seem to find any information on this... your help is greatly appreciated

apologies for the long post, I am sure it could have been written in one sentence... :)

2009-09-23, 06:33 AM
Tiny stuff in Revit (1/4" solid cylinder is "tiny" in Revit's world) suffers from this issue. Larger cylinders do not. You'll better performance modelling something that small from a Model Line and it won't really look any different in most views. Only in a very large detail would it matter and drafting line work might be sufficient to tell the "highly detailed" story. The party line is we are modelling buildings and tiny stuff is a manufacturing software domain. Whether you agree or not puts you on one side of the fence or the other. :smile: Sorry for the bad news.

Also when you sketch a cylinder with multiple segments or arcs for the matter you will usually get a segment line on the surface if the arc is not perfectly tangent to the other arc segments. Use the fewest arc segments possible for the cleanest solid arc shapes.