View Full Version : Key Schedules - Added Project Parameter not Available in other Key Schedules

2009-09-23, 02:32 PM
I have a user who create a Room Key Schedule to use as a legend for his floor finishes. As he was creating the schedule, he used the "Add Parameter" button in the Fields dialog box to add project parameters to the schedule. Everything seemed to work fine.

He then created another Room Key schedule to use as a legend for base finishes. However, the parameters he created for the floor legend aren't available, even though they're applied to the room category.

If I create a project parameter from the Settings menu, I'm able to add it to both schedules. Is this expected behavior? I've never run into this before. Thanks for your help!

2009-09-23, 02:39 PM
You cant have the same field in both key schedules, since one of them is now driving the data in that field.

Room "BATHROOM" will now have a parameter to select for FLOOR FINISHES and for BASE FINISHES, and those parameters cant both drive the same parameters.

It sounds to me like you dont need a different key schedule for both of them. What parameter are you trying to put in both?

2009-09-23, 02:55 PM
Sounds like these key schedules are probably just used to list all the finishes used in the project. I had something like that on a corporate interiors job I once worked on. They had schedules listing manufacturers, colors, locations, mark symbols, etc. for all floor finishes, ceilings, wall finishes, etc. on the whole job.

2009-09-23, 02:56 PM
Yes, patricks, that's what they're used for. Looking back to an old project, I see that I created different parameters in that project, I guess I just forgot.

2012-09-14, 03:31 PM
This is disappointing to me. I really would like to create a 2nd Room Finish legend key schedule because my model is split into multiple "phases" but without using the Revit Phasing. I cannot dictate the order of construction, so it is essentially being split up by tender package that's why I would require a different room finish schedule because different contractors will look at each package and having a 'Master room finish legend' would be confusing.

But, if I can't use multiple room key schedules using the same parameters, I will have to figure a workaround.

It's a shame though... it would have worked so nicely for my project.