View Full Version : RAC 2009 - Is it possible set the visibility of a Void element in a Family?

2009-09-24, 02:54 PM
I have a desk in which I want to place a grommet or other such hole. However, I would like to turn it off in some cases. I would like to do this within a single family. Is this possible? If not does Adesk have any plans to accommodate such a capability?

2009-09-24, 03:38 PM
Not possible. You'll have to make two desk-tops: one with a hole and one without. One will have visibility=parameter and the other will have visibility=NOT(parameter)

2009-09-24, 05:06 PM
I presume you infering I could have both desktops in the same family, otherwise if they were in separate families a visibility paramter would not accomplish much, correct?

2009-09-24, 05:45 PM
Another option is to have a check box that, when checked, moved the void away from the solid. Thus, the void is not cutting anything.

2009-09-24, 08:48 PM
I presume you infering I could have both desktops in the same family, otherwise if they were in separate families a visibility paramter would not accomplish much, correct?

Literally, just copy and paste-same-place, the exact same solid object that the void is cutting. Then youll have two. One cut by the void, and one not cut by the void. The visibility parameters will make it toggle between the two.

You cant visibility-parameter a masking region in a family either, which is irritating. :)

Andre Carvalho
2009-09-24, 09:19 PM
I second UpNorth. I prefer to set the void element with a parameter that will make it short, thus not cutting the element or extend it and make it cut. This is controled by a Yes/No parameter.

Only one void element and only one desk top to cut = family with smaller file size.

Andre Carvalho

2009-09-24, 11:20 PM
Depending on how complex the families are, how parametric, and what the void is and what its cutting... Its not always efficient to "move" the void somewhere. The solid geometry its cutting is already there, already constrained, and ready to go. Getting an identical one in its place is fairly painless. :)

Besides, i tend not to be worried about family file size given the file-size-nature of Revit. Im more concerned with performance, which often means i have things modeled for three levels of detail in each family regardless.

But its all really the same premise. Get the void off the object, or get another object.

2009-09-25, 04:34 AM
Thank you all for your recommendations. Aaron can see your point on it depending on the overall family complexity and it may not always be appropriate, but in my particular case I think it is simple and straightforward enough, and I would rather not have to maintain duplicate geometry, that I find myself favoring Andre's recommendation of defining a height for the void on this one. You know funny thing is I think I may have actually done that several months ago and I just failed to recall that approach.

It still would be nice though if Adesk would just add visibility parameters for these. I am sure this may not be a trivial thing necessarily, but isn't that what the factory/lab is for, to dream up new and innovative ways to make our jobs easier :)