View Full Version : Distance Learning to far in the Distance?

2004-11-12, 05:15 PM
Shows they still offere it, but there is not one class scheduled? :screwy: Anyone know the scoop here. I was only goin to look for an update class but then noticed that there isnt any classes being offered. :?

2004-11-12, 06:52 PM
We're working on a schedule. Stay tuned...

2004-11-15, 03:32 PM
Stay tuned. . . .meaning check back later today, next week, next month, or at this point next year?

I'm trying to get Revit approved for the move ahead here at my firm, but one of the strong selling point has been these classes, and the fact that we wouldn't have to send people out at days at a time or pay large amounts for training. So if I push this more and then go to train these people, and these classes that were so valuable to me when I learned Revit. . . .are not available, then I will be looking for another location to use Revit. At the very minimum there should be a Basics class available in the near future, with follow ups coming soon after that.


2004-11-16, 02:33 PM
I've had bad experiences with the distance learning, extremely basic and the instructor didn't even show up for the last one! The regular webcasts are much much better

2004-11-16, 08:27 PM
Whats the deal here Christie? Not tryin to go after you, but it sounds like you might know whats goin on.

2004-11-17, 07:01 PM
Common guys? No response, but I know people are interested with as many views as this post has received. I'm tryin to get someone up and running here, and I need to be able to get him started. Tutorials are fine and all, but these are so much better. . .i mean were so much better. I hate to be a thorn, but work with me here. If your yanking the classes, then give me the heads up so I can approach my training issues differently here. Or if they are not starting till next year, that stinks, but at least I know. Just give me something.

David, you mentioned web casts. Whens the next web cast, or can you shoot me the link for those?


2004-11-17, 07:11 PM
Common guys?Hang in there Stunts...everybody at the factory is cranking, full steam ahead. I'm sure we'll be the first to know when this stuff gets sorted out. :wink:

2004-11-17, 07:23 PM
I hear ya steve, and I'm not tryin to downplay the hardwork from the Revit team at all. I have no problem waiting as long as I know that I'm waiting for something. Thats all.

Is it a complete change of format? Is that why there are no classes. I know it take a while to get the 7.0 update class, but even a 6.0 version would be good to get my newbie started.

2004-11-17, 08:05 PM
Hello, I am new to revit and trying to get some projects going in my office. I am very interested in training. Please let us know. Jim

2004-11-17, 09:50 PM
I don't believe there are anymore webcasts this year, but here's a link to all the past ones http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=2423607

2004-11-18, 12:49 AM
Whats the deal here Christie? Not tryin to go after you, but it sounds like you might know whats goin on.

Sorry Guys for the lack of response. We've been flat out. We will be having more classes scheduled, but the person who does the schedule is tied up until next week, so that is the dealio. I have dropped him a email to make sure we get some scheduled ASAP.

I will post again as soon as he gets back and I know more.

2005-02-15, 05:24 PM
Sorry Guys for the lack of response. We've been flat out. We will be having more classes scheduled, but the person who does the schedule is tied up until next week, so that is the dealio. I have dropped him a email to make sure we get some scheduled ASAP.

I will post again as soon as he gets back and I know more.

K, time to rehash this again.

I'm at a new company, and my old company who was very interested in getting started on Revit will probably blow it off now due to the fact that the Distance Learning Seminars are incomplete. I know we have these pre recorded deals, and those are great and all, but they just don't interact with people, or allow users to ask questions once they start to understand the program a bit more. And they don't cover most of the features that Revit has to offer.

Like I said, I'm at a new firm now and they brought me on to help them gear up for the transition into Revit, and I will. . .either way. . .with or with out these classes get the office running. But I stared this post in November, and as stated above, we should have some scheduled ASAP?

Now there is a chance that they were there and I missed them, but I doubt it. It's been three months, and I haven't seen anything. As I mentioned above, please don't drag this out if they are no longer going to be offered. If A-Desk is yanking that feature, then so be it, but don't taunt people with the thought of it, and then never offer it. I've shopped at that store before, and it sucks. . .I would rather just hear that its no longer offered instead of hearing it's back ordered and check back next Tuesday for the next 18 months.

I'm sorry if I missed a post somewhere about this. But it's an issue comming back up for me now, so for once im goin to try and get it to roll back UP hill a bit.


2005-02-15, 05:50 PM

I couldn't agree more. Seems like one is supposed to learn thru - osmosis. I would have no problem paying some of the poeple on this forum for training - however the normal Autodesk reseller - pretty risky. Especially when they say that can't teach the course until they get their training material? Unfortanely for the time being this seems like something that one has to struggle thru. Let's prey we see some CBTs (computer based training) perhaps with Release 8.


2005-02-15, 06:16 PM
There is another guy in the office who starting to work on Revit. I was going to recommend that he take some online classes when I too discovered that they are no longer available. This was supposed to be one of the benefits paid for by our subscriptions. If the online training classes are no longer offered will we be seeing a partial rebate on our subscriptions? (Rhetorical question of course. I already know the answer.)

2005-02-15, 10:49 PM
How can you download the recorded seminars so that playing them over (and over and over........) does not chew up your ISP download quota?

2005-02-16, 01:38 AM
I agree that we need more of the Distance Learning Seminars. Updated to 7.0 and covering more of the advanced topics. We too, are trying to implement Revit and can't afford the time or money for individual training. The perfect situation would be an expert looking over my shoulder than I KNOW I would be flying in a short time.

For me the Disance Learning Seminars have been my first and best source. Second has been this forum. Third has been the tech source at my reseller, but they are not often in, but great help when they are.

Pamela called Cyril to see how an individual could line up some training. They went to Syracuse together. Cyril is looking in to it but busy with his new book.

Training is the biggest drawback. I could handle a Seminar a day. If Autodesk is really intent on developing Revit then they must supply the training to accompany it. We thirst for it. Feed us!!

Wes Macaulay
2005-02-16, 05:05 AM
I have my own thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=91891#post91891)on this topic which you can ignore if you want to hang onto your shillings...

2005-02-16, 04:47 PM
I have my own thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=91891#post91891)on this topic which you can ignore if you want to hang onto your shillings...

It's a good idea, and I admire you for wanting to take on such a daunting task, but I think the point I'm really trying to make here is being over looked.

This was a selling point for this software. Everyone knows it. Then with the excuse of "changing course ware due to a new version", the classes have been eliminated, and replaced with out of date recordings.

And to be honest, thats not what really irritates me. The frustrating part is we get answers like this. . ."We will be having more classes scheduled, but the person who does the schedule is tied up until next week, so that is the dealio. I have dropped him a email to make sure we get some scheduled ASAP" & "We're working on a schedule. Stay tuned...".

What does that mean? Is it just smoke? I truly appreciate the info that we do get from the "ADesk in the knows" here, but I would really just like an honest answer here.

Here's the straight up question. . .tell me if anyone can answer this. . .


and in response to both answers. . .

Yes = When?

No = Can I make a suggestion? Can we at least get recorded versions of the original course ware, and some advanced course ware? I know that even though I have been using since version 3, there have been some features that have been added, or changed that I know I am not using in the fullest or properly, or even know they are there. And once that happens, can we have an "Update class" that thoroughly goes through the new features.

I know this is something that autodesk doesn't offer for free with any of their other software, and it is a great benefit, but it is a benefit that was offered. We are in contracts to maintain our subscriptions, and I think its only fair to have ADesk hold up their end. :-?

Again, Metanoia, I think its cool that your stepping up and coming up with a possible solution, but why buy milk when you have a cow? I guess maybe the question here is what do you do with a cow that has bad milk I guess? Burgers? :wink:

Sorry for being a thorn on this one. I'm normally one to just roll with things, but I promise to go away as soon as I get a straight answer. . .well, not entirely, just from this topic.


Wes Macaulay
2005-02-17, 03:50 AM
Revit's gotten so popular that the people who used to do the classes are probably being tasked to help with the support load. If Vancouver is any indication, than the problem is universal...

2005-02-17, 02:49 PM
And I think thats great that it become so popular, and is continuing to grow. But that doesn't mean that we should start to expect less, or at the very least not be able to get a straight answer. . .not asking for the meaning of life. . .just when the classes when or if the classes will be back?

Bueller. . . . . . . .Bueller. . . . . . . . .Bueller. . . . . . .Bueller?

Cathy Hadley
2005-02-18, 04:48 AM
I don't know what is going on with the distance learning either... I think they are going with the recordings... I hope they will keep adding to them and keep them up to date.

There are a lot of choices for training. If you don't feel like your Reseller has the expertise you need... Have your reseller get you in contact with your Autodesk rep. in your area... They will be able to get you in contact with your options... You can hire Autodesk Consulting for one option... find a different reseller for another...

Just some options...

2005-02-21, 02:45 PM
I don't know what is going on with the distance learning either... I think they are going with the recordings... I hope they will keep adding to them and keep them up to date.

There are a lot of choices for training. If you don't feel like your Reseller has the expertise you need... Have your reseller get you in contact with your Autodesk rep. in your area... They will be able to get you in contact with your options... You can hire Autodesk Consulting for one option... find a different reseller for another...

Just some options...

I know the options are out there, and I'm not saying any of those are bad options. My problem is, and I would think that a good majority of firms have the same problem, is that most firms don't pay for expensive 2 day classes where they have to send their away from the office. Especially if they are thinking about going out on a limb to try new software, it makes it even more unlikely that they will hire a consultant, or outside source. It was much more efficient to be able to be able to get a class in a lunch one day, and then another 2 days later, and then if you had a user that needed to retake the same class it wasn't a big deal. It was just a really good program, and much appreciated.

In my best guess, I would assume that most of you are in the same boat of training that I am, and you will be the consultant. Thats one of the reasons I'm at the new place. It's just unfortunate that I have pushed Revit and the fact that it has free and most of all very flexible training, just to have it taken away with out notice.

2005-08-22, 09:19 PM
Sorry Guys for the lack of response. We've been flat out. We will be having more classes scheduled, but the person who does the schedule is tied up until next week, so that is the dealio. I have dropped him a email to make sure we get some scheduled ASAP.

I will post again as soon as he gets back and I know more.

I am reminded of this every time we get a new release. . . .

We have 2 new people learning Revit, and when I went to look at the pre-recorded seminars, it appears that they are actually being reduced.

Now we are learning 8.1 with the features of 6.1?

So, is that it, are we done with any distance seminars? Recorded or Live? Past or Future?

Since we have lost this, could I ask a favor? Could we at least get an updated Basics seminar. . .prerecorded is fine, but at least in the current major version would be nice.

I know I'm being a thorn about this, but if there was at least some answer to this then I would drop it. . .even if its a "never goin to happen"


2005-08-22, 09:35 PM
It's amazing when a company like DGCAD blows Autodesk away with their free or low cost training videos. I keep seeing references on the Autodesk subscription site about distance learing, but this is so basic it's laughable.

I think the more we complain about this, maybe someone at Autodesk will hear this "pesky little Revit group"...

Michael Vaughn

2005-08-23, 03:41 AM
It's amazing when a company like DGCAD blows Autodesk away with their free or low cost training videos. I keep seeing references on the Autodesk subscription site about distance learing, but this is so basic it's laughable.

I think the more we complain about this, maybe someone at Autodesk will hear this "pesky little Revit group"...

Michael Vaughn

If Autodesk was going to do something about Revit training they would have done it by now. A company as large as Autodesk has the resources to do just about anything they like when it comes to training materials for their customers. The reason they do not is because there is no money in it.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-23, 05:29 AM
Ah, Joe it's true. The resellers compete for consulting work with Autodesk Consulting, and since they can rake in $1600 US a day (or is it $2500?) per person, why give away the knowledge when you can get people to help make the stockholders happy? Not that Autodesk Consulting can compete with us anyway :mrgreen: -- though keep an eye on that Canadian loonie folks :shock:

Pardon my cynicism folks but the free ride is over. The learning sessions were wonderful nonetheless... you'd register and the audio was two-way... you could ask questions! and get answers right there! But to be honest time was what I needed most to learn Revit; doing projects and bumping into things. And then the old news.revit.com newsgroup was your friend. And then Zoogdesign. And now AUGI.

So (time + Revit + AUGI) > (free tutorials) in my mind -- in the end anyway. The problem is getting that overall global perspective on how Revit works... and that can be quite hidden to an outsider. So any global, introductory lessons would still be invaluable, even if they were recorded.

2005-08-23, 06:06 AM
One of the most important aspects of training is to be able to do it at a time and place that is convenient. Like your own home. Combine some decent videos (Scott Onstott's were a big help to me) with Augi and a very good reseller :wink: and I think most users would be well on their way. I think the most important part is Augi and all the very generous and helpful folks here. I think it important to point out that Autodesk does provide support for Augi.


Wes Macaulay
2005-08-23, 06:12 AM
I know DGCAD's (www.dgcad.com)videos are getting good reviews -- though I haven't seen them yet. Scott's weren't bad either but what's really missing is something that explains the logic or rationale for Revit -- the more you can connect people with the mental model of the software, the more successful they're going to be.