View Full Version : Design Options, Rooms, and Areas

2009-09-29, 04:53 PM

Here's what I'm trying to do in Revit 2009:

I have a landlord client with a retail space that wants to see ten different schemes for subdividing it. I have set up ten different design options, and for a preliminary presentation, dropped "rooms" into the different spaces. Revit brought in a nice diagrammatic color scheme and interior square footage numbers for each of my ten schemes. All was well, until the head honcho asked for BOMA area rules for the square footage calculation (area boundaries at outside face of exterior wall along a main street, center lines of retail demising walls, absorb elevators only serving one tenant space, etc.).

So: I read that in order to manipulate boundaries, I need to use/create Area Plans. Very well, but I also find out I need to create an entirely new Area Scheme for each design option's Area Plan--resulting in ten Area Schemes cluttering my Project Browser. I can't copy the custom area boundaries along the facade from one Area Plan to other, making this process very time/labor intensive. Also, now all the retail spaces within a scheme (and from scheme to scheme) are the same color.

This has become a very intensive bit of work....Am I doing this the right way?


2009-09-29, 06:37 PM
Try this:

Rather than creating a new area plan for each design option, create one for the first option, add the boundary lines as needed. Go to view visibility and lock it's view to option 1. Edit the color scheme, and create a duplicate scheme, name it option 1 scheme, and set the colors and governing parameter as needed.

Then duplicate the area plan (boundry lines will duplicate also), go to view/visibility and lock it's view to option 2. Add/adjust the boundry lines to match the option. Edit the color scheme, and create another duplicate scheme named option 2. Set the colors, parameters, etc.

Then just repeat the above until you've covered all the options.

2009-09-29, 07:38 PM

Thanks for your response. The trouble with your response is that Areas and Boundary Lines are not permitted in an options. So, duplicating the area plan and changing its option shows a different option's walls, but it won't let me change the areas so that they pertain to that second option. I get option 2's walls with option 1's areas/boundaries.

Dimitri Harvalias
2009-09-30, 04:01 PM
As you note you will require a different area scheme for each option. There is no reason you can't copy/paste aligned the outer boundaries from scheme to scheme. That should speed up the process.

2009-09-30, 04:05 PM
I see your point. I guess you're stuck doing what you discussed in your first post.