View Full Version : Linked Views not staying in a set appearance?

2009-09-29, 07:02 PM
This is the second anomaly like this that I have come across both very different yet similar in some ways. This one is specific to a Linked model into our project that shows some elements within a view. We have in the model being linked in set up a view on how we would like it to show when it comes into our main model. We have set the visibility graphics override to state that this linked model is to show in plan as per the settings from the Linked View. But it seams temporary… I have not narrowed it down. It may be as simple as when someone saves to central then I reload. I will go back to the settings and they will be back to by host again…

The second issue is with the same linked model… whish is a sloped floor (parking garage) the reflected ceiling plans we set the view with a view filter that includes custom view settings of the linked view. This time large portions of the linked model disappears from the view when we save to central. We have to run the filter again to get the settings to look right…

So far… What we have to do is run View filters on specific views before printing to get our desired effects… This is highly not desired.

I am hoping that someone has seen something like this and may have some ideas on what can be done…


2009-09-29, 08:21 PM
When you link a model and then in a view, you have set the view to display the linked model by a linked view, the view limits are all controlled from the main model.

You can experiment with this and see that it is true.

The crop region, annotation crop - everything is controlled in your main model but it displays information from the linked view that is in your model's view's defined range.

2009-09-29, 08:29 PM
When you link a model and then in a view, you have set the view to display the linked model by a linked view, the view limits are all controlled from the main model.

You can experiment with this and see that it is true.

The crop region, annotation crop - everything is controlled in your main model but it displays information from the linked view that is in your model's view's defined range.

You are not telling me anything I do not already know... in fact I think you should notice that I have noted that I am setting these settings from the main model... it is the main model that is not holding the settings...

I can set the main model to read the linked model under the visibility settings of the main model under the Revit links... tell it to read the linked models view to get it's view appearance or the imported portion... it will look good for a bit... then a save later we look at it and it looks wrong again... go and look at the settings and they have changed again...

It seems that it will not hold on to the settings for the linked model...

I am wondering if anyone has seen this and if so what have they done to deal with it...

I have played loads with the sayings you have described... or I would have not even thought to try what we are doing currently... and I am kind of thinking it was a pour choice now since the settings are not holding...

Cool tool... only if it works...

2009-09-29, 09:31 PM
I have seen this before. I can't remember what I did to fix it though...It seemed rather random...you could try:

1) Setting the link to be by host view, saving and closing the file, and reopening doing an audit...

2) The thing I think I remember trying, which may not be an option for you, is deleting or duplicating the view...almost like the database entry for the particular view is corrupt or something.

3) Try removing and relinking the view...this is really bad if you already have a ton of views set up to be by linked view, or if you are dimensioning to any geometry in the linked view, since obviously, it will all go away.

I hope this is a bit of help. At least you know you aren't the only one who has seen the problem...

Alex Page
2009-09-30, 04:40 AM
Ive seen this before as well. Not sure how we fixed it but I think our normal 'cleanup' of workshared linked files seemed to happen at about the same time it stopped.

Get all the users out of all the linked models.
Open the central file and setup how you want it to be
Recreate all the local files for all the users

Not saying this works, I think it may have difficulties with multiple users in the models when you are doing it?

If you find out why in your case its happening, please tell as all!

2009-09-30, 12:13 PM
1. Is anyone messing around with View Templates that affect VG:RVT Links anywhere else in the project?
2. Are any OTHER View Templates being used with this view in addition to the BLV settings?
3. Is there a View Template set up as the "Default View Template" for that view?
4. Are there any messages coming up when you set that view to By Linked View?
5. We need more information to be able to help you:
5a. You say the settings on are "By Linked View. Do you mean CUSTOM with a Linked View Specified, or "By Linked View" as a whole?
5b. You say youre applying a "View Filter" to the Linked File in the view. What kind of View Filter are you talking about? VG Filters do not filtrate down to Linked Files, unless there is a Filter IN the Linked File and it is applied BLV as well. So im confused what you mean, especially if youre doing this everytim you print.

6. The issue where large portions of the Linked Model disappear i HAVE seen, when they were set to By Linked View. If you return that view to By Host, all the parts come back, yes? I had a project with 14 links that did that occasionally, and the only solution was to recreate the view. Thankfully it didnt happen often.

All in all, ive had tons of success with the tool. I suspect something else is going on. Someone is changing a setting unintentionally, or changing ANOTHER setting that is overwriting the BLV setting...

2009-09-30, 12:19 PM
Another flaw I noticed that has me about to toss this idea out the window...

I was using this due to a parking garage we are doing... I did the typical floor slab slopes ramps and parking layout with arrows and columns.... as a typical floor model... linked this into a main model copied this up for the levels needed... then added core walls and doors rooms so they could be scheduled...

The flaw I just noticed is when I used the linked view mode in the plan my walls, windows & doors in the main model that are within the floor plate area disappear... Now how’s that for fun!

Add that to the other bits of fun I am having with this idea... I am about done with it...

We were adding noted to the linked model because I like to used Keynotes which work best if they are attached to the items they are pointing to (so they can get the info from them...) Now I will be using not so smart Keynotes... user Keynotes... ones that are not really attached to the items they point to... and I will be doing them in the main model...

I figured this flaw out to be an issue with anything in the linked view that is solid not see through and would normally wipe out things below them will wipe out everything below them in the main model when brought into the main model...

This tool is so close to being extremely useful... yet so far from being there... Some work is need yet before it really will be useful in ways that would make sense to me...

Well I have lots to do to fix this... Later...
(unless someone is a genius and has a amazing fix for it all)

2009-09-30, 12:55 PM
1. Is anyone messing around with View Templates that affect VG:RVT Links anywhere else in the project?
2. Are any OTHER View Templates being used with this view in addition to the BLV settings?
3. Is there a View Template set up as the "Default View Template" for that view?
4. Are there any messages coming up when you set that view to By Linked View?
5. We need more information to be able to help you:
5a. You say the settings on are "By Linked View. Do you mean CUSTOM with a Linked View Specified, or "By Linked View" as a whole?
5b. You say youre applying a "View Filter" to the Linked File in the view. What kind of View Filter are you talking about? VG Filters do not filtrate down to Linked Files, unless there is a Filter IN the Linked File and it is applied BLV as well. So im confused what you mean, especially if youre doing this everytim you print.

6. The issue where large portions of the Linked Model disappear i HAVE seen, when they were set to By Linked View. If you return that view to By Host, all the parts come back, yes? I had a project with 14 links that did that occasionally, and the only solution was to recreate the view. Thankfully it didnt happen often.

All in all, ive had tons of success with the tool. I suspect something else is going on. Someone is changing a setting unintentionally, or changing ANOTHER setting that is overwriting the BLV setting...

Response to questions:

1. No… I only have one other on this project… and he is not touching these settings… confirmed…

2. Think the answer is no, but I am not sure I get your question fully…

3. Now this might be the key to the reflected ceiling problem… I did not have the "Default View Template" set to the view I wanted… I was just setting the view with the view filter… so I will try this and see what happens…

4. Now I did have two completely different issues… The reflected ceiling issue may be solved with this comment above… :) but my attempts to link the view with notes I think I am going to drop do to my last post problems… :( I think I posted additional information within that post that gives a better idea on what I was up to with that idea… but things just were not working out… and I need to move on… time to cut the losses of time and move on… :(

2009-09-30, 01:11 PM
Response to questions:
3. Now this might be the key to the reflected ceiling problem… I did not have the "Default View Template" set to the view I wanted… I was just setting the view with the view filter… so I will try this and see what happens…

4. Now I did have two completely different issues… The reflected ceiling issue may be solved with this comment above… :) but my attempts to link the view with notes I think I am going to drop do to my last post problems… :( I think I posted additional information within that post that gives a better idea on what I was up to with that idea… but things just were not working out… and I need to move on… time to cut the losses of time and move on… :(

I spoke to soon... I have multiple views... Overall reflected ceiling and blowups... Not all were without the "Default View Template" set correctly... Some did have the setting set properly... and they were still behaving the same way...

But... I did follow through and set all the "Default View Templates" to what I wanted... then I selected all the views and applied the "Default View Template" to them... saved to central... had my helper save to central... saved again... and no change (things look good still)... this was enough before for it to lose the changes... so... so far so good...

Thanks... This looks like the solution for this part...

2009-09-30, 01:28 PM
Response to questions:

1. No… I only have one other on this project… and he is not touching these settings… confirmed…

2. Think the answer is no, but I am not sure I get your question fully…

3. Now this might be the key to the reflected ceiling problem… I did not have the "Default View Template" set to the view I wanted… I was just setting the view with the view filter… so I will try this and see what happens…

4. Now I did have two completely different issues… The reflected ceiling issue may be solved with this comment above… :) but my attempts to link the view with notes I think I am going to drop do to my last post problems… :( I think I posted additional information within that post that gives a better idea on what I was up to with that idea… but things just were not working out… and I need to move on… time to cut the losses of time and move on… :(

Setting a Default View Template isnt going to change anything, for right now.

What do you mean by "I was just setting the view with the view filter...". Im afraid i dont understand what "View Filter" you are setting, hence my original question.

I use Linked Views religiously on tons of projects, and never run across this issue unless someone was inadvertantly switching a setting they didnt know about...

2009-09-30, 01:42 PM
Oops... Slip of words... I meant to say View templates... that would confuse things a bit... I will have to try and be more careful with those darn words...

2009-09-30, 01:59 PM
Setting a Default View Template isnt going to change anything, for right now.

I wish REVIT would change this name from Default to Assigned because obviously, it does change things.

Glad you discovered the problemn Kennedy because linked views works well.

2009-09-30, 02:14 PM
Oops... Slip of words... I meant to say View templates... that would confuse things a bit... I will have to try and be more careful with those darn words...

Okay, but this is why i was asking. What view templates are in the project, and how are you using them? View templates can OVERRIDE the Linked View settings, so if someone is applying view templates, or applying "the default view template" to views that have Linked View set up, it could be wiping out your Linked View settings, resulting in the problems you are facing.