View Full Version : Default Title

2009-09-29, 07:24 PM
Is there a way to set the title a drafting view defaults to when dragged onto a sheet?

Currently, mine defaults to No Title. It's truly annoying. =)

William Troeak
2009-09-29, 08:19 PM
Did you rename the drafting view in the project browser? The title will match the name assigned to it in the project browser.

2009-10-02, 03:26 PM
Sorry, I phrased the question wrong...

When you drag a drafting view onto a sheet, the default Viewport Title selected is 'No Title'. So, when you drag it on, there is no Viewport Title, just the detail.

Is there anyway to change what Viewport Title it defaults to? For example, a 'Detail Title' or 'General Notes Title' that has the actual name and extension line shown, etc.

Thanks for the reply, btw. :)

2009-10-10, 04:50 AM
No clue for anyone, huh?

2009-10-10, 12:46 PM
Only thing I've figured out to do is rename that No Title viewport type to the one you want to be default, and set it to the have the view title annotation you want. You may have to change all other viewports to something else first, then delete that one using Purge Unused, then change the No Title one to the one it should be. Then after you do all that you can make another viewport type to be No Title.

2009-10-12, 08:18 PM
Only thing I've figured out to do is rename that No Title viewport type to the one you want to be default, and set it to the have the view title annotation you want. You may have to change all other viewports to something else first, then delete that one using Purge Unused, then change the No Title one to the one it should be. Then after you do all that you can make another viewport type to be No Title.

Okay. Thanks for the tip! I appreciate it. :)