View Full Version : Acquiring Coordinates and Coordination

2009-09-29, 10:26 PM
I've begun working on a small project where all of the disciplines are using Revit. We are not the prime architect but a consultant in Lab architecture. When we receive the architectural model (Core/Shell) would we import the architecture model (origin to origin I'm assuming) and acquire coordinates from that model? If there are several disciplines models linked in does it matter which disciplines model we aquire coordinates from? Should all the discilpines agree to aquire coordinates from one model (for example Structural)

I also have a question in Copy/Monitor. We are only Copy/Monitoring Levels and Grids. Do all the disciplines need to copy/monitor from one specific model? What happens if Architectural copy/monitors from Structural levels and grids and in turn we (the lab architects) copy/monitor from the Core/Shell architects levels and grids?


2009-09-30, 03:13 AM
...When we receive the architectural model (Core/Shell) would we import the architecture model (origin to origin I'm assuming) and acquire coordinates from that model?...Yes, Origin to Origin. Yes, acquire coordinates IF the architecture file has done so to coordinate with the site. If not, then there is no need and Revit will likely pop up a message saying the coordinate systems are already aligned.

...If there are several disciplines models linked in does it matter which disciplines model we aquire coordinates from? Should all the discilpines agree to aquire coordinates from one model (for example Structural)Yes it does matter to make it easier...pick a "lead dog" to manage the positioning and inherit yours from the "lead dog".

Keep in mind that if your file will never be linked into the site file it may not be necessary to share coordinates because you linked the file origin to origin and did your modeling inside the boundary of the architecture model. Your model and the arch model are already aligned. It only helps align your work with the civil file (or others) if your file will be sent to them separately. If the arch model exports with your stuff visible the other party(ies) will get your layout info too.

...Do all the disciplines need to copy/monitor from one specific model?Ideally, yes.

...What happens if Architectural copy/monitors from Structural levels and grids and in turn we (the lab architects) copy/monitor from the Core/Shell architects levels and grids?It should work but it will be more confusing. Imagine that you C/M the grids from the Arch and the structure from you. The structure will only learn of a change when they see your revised model AFTER you've seen the change and reacted to it first. Realistically the structure would probably link both of your files anyway so they/you should agree to C/M from the same source.

Better to have everyone agree who is the "lead dog" on the grids/levels...my pick is Grids = Structure and Levels = Architect...completely unscientific bias. Grids may start out in the arch file but eventually pass them on to the structural engineer and C/M theirs or more accurately...just Monitor theirs later.

Btw, C/M is "bi-directional" if you link theirs and they link yours. You can both make changes and Coordination Review will flag changes either of you make. Just because you can doesn't mean you should though...better to let one take the lead...

2009-09-30, 01:28 PM
Thank you so much for such a thorough response. I really appreciate your time.