View Full Version : Floor Wall overlap

2009-09-30, 10:34 AM
Hi all,

I've encountered this problem a few times and just wondered if anyone could enlighten me as to why it happens.

I had a model with exterior walls and floors put in. Several sections were cut horizontally and vertically (in plan), and in most sections the floors were 'cutting' into the walls as they should, but in some the floor simply overlapped the wall geometry.

You can get it to fix by using the Join Geometry tool - But why does this happen in the first place?

The floor is placed in all the walls at once. So why is it only in certain places that this strange overlapping seems to happen?

Any insights would be very helpful,
Thanks :)

2009-09-30, 12:45 PM
When you create a floor and finish the sketch you are asked 2 questions. The first is regarding attaching walls touching the floor to it. I usually answer NO to this because it changes the height of the walls, The 2nd question askes if you want to JOIN the wall to the floor, this is the one you need to answer yes to. this one joins the wall geometry with the floor. If walls are deleted and replaced you will need to manually rejoin them.

2009-09-30, 02:04 PM
It also may be that someone answered No to joining walls to the floor, and later joined a few walls in a few sections manually, but didn't get all of them.

2009-10-02, 03:49 PM
I do normally answer YES to cutting the geometry - I've just noticed that this happens fairly randomly...

Thanks for the input :)