View Full Version : Curtain Wall Mullion clean up

2009-10-01, 02:34 PM
Is their a way to clean up the mullion intersections shown in the attached image?

Thank You

2009-10-01, 06:02 PM
You should be able to use the linework tool to overide edges. Use an invisible line and modify extents by dragging the blue handles on either side.

2009-10-05, 11:44 PM
Is their a way to clean up the mullion intersections shown in the attached image?

For a simple elevation, I would use the linework approach also but it is a big pain if you see this in multiple locations. If you have multiple views, callouts of views, the same condition in multiple elevations and more and your design is still changing, you might try an alternate approach.

I have had some success creating a generic face-based model component with masking regions in elevation that I place over the odd join. It really is wasted effort and adds unnecessary content to the model but it may be easier than managing linework overrides in a ton of views. Particularly if all your views are not yet fixed...

Another option where you have multiple instances is a detail component with an embedded masking region that has dimensional flexibility. Flex the size with instance parameters and use invisible lines where you do not want to see the edge. Still adds extra content but at least you can align and lock the edges.