View Full Version : Setting the opaque area around text?

2004-11-13, 07:47 PM
The default opague area around text is suffix in most cases. However, there are situations where a larger opaque area is more effective. Is there a way to set the opaque area around dimension text or body of text?

Thank you all in advance for any comments.

2004-11-13, 09:36 PM
I will respond, since nobody responded...
No you can't...if you, and others that think this is crucial, will let Revit know (the old support email is support@revit.com, I don't remember the new one) Revit Dev. Team will eventually add this feature....just like they did with giving options to control the thickness of the Border in the Schedules in 7.0


2004-11-14, 03:31 PM
Use a Filled Region with a white opaque setting (although, I just noticed they don't cover door & window tags, but that's a minor thing). Then type your text (transparent is ok) over it. I sometimes do this is I want the opaque feature but do not want the "messy" look of the opaque covering only the text and not "squaring off" neatly, if you know what I mean.

Geof Narlee.