View Full Version : NCS and Object Styles

2009-10-05, 03:26 PM
We are working to get our Revit in alignment with NCS. I've watched the AU Class on exactly this subject and have been working through Line Widths and Line Types.

My next step is to attack Object Styles. This task is one of the more daunting to approach and I was wondering if rather than reinventing the wheel I could open a plea to the wider Revit community. Save me from this task.

Someone has set up Object Styles to match NCS, would you be willing to share?

2009-10-05, 04:20 PM
Weve done it to the marginal best of our ability (meaning we got as close as we felt we had to), but there are other mitigating factors involved:

1. Object Styles / Linestyles and Views in Revit work by giving every catagory two lineweights: Cut and Projection. This isnt how the NCS lineweights and linestyles work, so you can approximate, but its not going to be 100% compliant. A lot of their "recommendations" (and remember, NCS is loose and ambiguous at best) refer more to old hat drafting standards, and Revit simply wont do it.

2. The same is true for symbology in a lot of cases. The Door tag comes to mind. You *CAN* make it NCS compliant, but it means having to manually move EVERY SINGLE DOOR TAG, to get it to run up the panel symbol. Well, maybe not every single one, since you could make it work by default for a certain width door, but good luck with that. Wall tags come to mind as well, since they dictate how far in to the wall the leader goes, and you cannot control it.

3. Object styles also pertains to Line WEIGHTS. Realize that in Revit, lineweights are also dictated by View scale, so again... Its not going to match NCS perfectly. Even less so, because if you set any one view scale to the lineweights they give you (lol...) itll print darker than mud. Also, Object Styles are basically about how items display RELATIVE to one another, since they work in CONJUNCTION with the Line Weights settings as well. Since NCS doesnt work "by catagory" the way Revit does, it really isnt very important as far as NCS goes. Its more about getting things to pop the way you want them in your scheme to get close to NCS, and working with that (and the Line WEIGHT dialogue) to make the annotations and symbols read properly.

Do yourself a favor, and dont defeat revit in favor of the NCS. Also remember that the NCS compliance contract addendum has an option for "Partial compliance" with a write in section explaining why youre noncompliant in some regards. Using that to your advantage (explaining why youre non compliant because Revit is value adding and defeating it over door tag symbology is stupid) will go a long way.

Good luck! :)