View Full Version : Parcels: Display in Model not it Viewport

2009-10-06, 01:12 PM
I have parcels as a part of my SWM design. I use them for drainage areas. On my drainage are map, the parcels are XREFed into the DA map file. All of the parcels show up in model space, but when I move to paperspace one of the parcels does not show up in the view port. I have checked layers, styles and site, all are the same for all the parcels, except one of them does not show up in paperspace viewport. I am using C3D 2010 Update 2. Please let me know if any of you have had this problem, or any solutions.



2009-10-06, 02:16 PM
Sorry Andy, I've never heard of this before. First thing to try is to open the files on a different computer. If it works, then you know it's something with your computer, if it doesn't, then most likely it's an issue with the drawing/program (most likely the drawing). Audit/purge/etc.

2009-10-29, 04:47 AM
Not sure if it will help, but whenever I run into issues with plotting I first check layers (which you said you already checked), and then use the RECOVERALL command. It does a little more then your regular AUDIT/RECOVER as it also scans XREF's.

No guarantee, but if that doesn't work I'd give the undocumented site commands a try:
