View Full Version : Odd Schedule behavior

Cathy Hadley
2009-10-06, 05:22 PM
On ONE machine only...

Creating a new parameter in an existing schedule (or even creating a whole new schedule) The new columns are greyed out. Open that same file on a different machine, the columns remain greyed out, however when creating a new parameter on this machine the columns are white ??

Changing the phase settings has no effect.

And... if starting from the default template it doesn't do it. However, everyone else can start with the company template, and all columns new or otherwise remain white?

What could be different about this one machine effecting schedules?



Andre Carvalho
2009-10-06, 10:15 PM
Just a guess, OK? Any chance that machine has no administrator rights or is being prevented in some way of having full access to the network? Maybe your company's template file has shared parameters or other elements that you are trying to schedule, in a file that is somewhere in the network and the schedule is trying to access it (although once the shared parameter file is loaded into the file, you shouldn't have any problems...)?

I don't know, but the fact that your template might be looking for something in the network could be causing this, since you mentioned that you don't have the same problem if using the default template (which I assume is a local file and not in the network).

That's odd...

Andre Carvalho