View Full Version : Revit Color Plan - circulation lighter than rest of department

2009-10-06, 05:47 PM
(Using Revit 2009) I've applied a color scheme by "Department", and in the properties of each room have specified the room's appropriate department (e.g. Office). I want the circulation (hallways) to be colored as a lighter shade of the main department color. I was only able to do this by creating a completely separate department for the circulation (e.g. Office Circulation). The result is that the plan looks great, and I'm happy.

But, as we've gotten into scheduling, now there are duplicate departments listed (Office & Office Circulation) when in fact there should only be one (Office). Also, the duplication is seen in the color legend.


2009-10-06, 05:56 PM
You can set up a filter in your schedule to kill the office circulation department. Go to properties for the schedule, click on the filters tab, and set a filter where department does not equal office circulation.

In 2010, you can kill a color category from showing up in a legend, but I'm not sure that's the case in 2009.

2009-10-07, 10:20 AM
I tried creating a second scheme with occupancy filled in as Main or Circulation to overlay a hatch colour in sheet view. Unfortunately the background in a scheme is opaque so it didn't work but you can achieve it with regions set with transparent backrounds although not driven by parameters but I guess circulation areas will always be circulation areas no matter what the department is.