View Full Version : Memory error during Radiate command

2003-09-11, 07:59 PM
Every time I try to use the Radiate command, I get this error.

"Memory was exhausted during radiate command. Close the active view and save the project. Use the section box in the Scene Settings."

"Use the section box in the Scene Settings."
What does this part mean? I have "<rendered view>" selected in the pull down menu.

My computer specs:
P4 2.5, Win XP Pro, 1.5gig DDR 333, 128mb video card
Working on a standalone single story project 15mb in size with about 20 exterior lights.
Using Revit 5.1 build 20030502_2019

Any Ideas? Thanks

2003-09-11, 08:05 PM
Maybe Revit's consitering too much within the Radiosity calc, and is therefore choking. The message to set up a section box is probably telling you that you need to set limits on what Revit consiters in the Radiosity calc, for right now it's more than it can cope with.

Make another 3D view, name it 'section box' or something likewise brilliant and inventive, and then turn on it's section box and crop the model to only have the area you want to render. If this is the whole model, well, at least turn the box on and give it a try without cropping first. Then, go back to the view you want to render, and set the limits to the view you made above on the pull-down.

Hope it helps.

2003-09-11, 09:28 PM
I tried that, but it didn't help.
I even tried another smaller project, and that didn't even work.
It can render the view just fine.

I'm going to try it on my computer at home tonight.


2003-12-08, 08:50 PM
Did you ever have any sucess with this? I've run into the same problem and tried the section box fix, but it hasn't worked. Not sure if my model is too large for radiosity, but when I monitor cpu/memory use, it doesn't seem to be struggling...

2003-12-08, 09:21 PM
hope u all are not traying to use radiosity in a outside image

"Radiosity is a powerful technique for calculating INDIRECT LIGHTING and performing LIGHTING ANALYSIS. When used properly, in onjunction with ray tracing, this technique can produce images which contain more subtle illumination effects than those produced using traditional ray tracing only.

Radiosity is generally most useful for SMALL ARCHITECTURAL INTERIORS . Use of this option WILL require more memory and processing time. These additional requirements will
be sensitive to the size and complexity of the model.

Radiosity is usually NOT appropriate for the following situations:

* Non-architectural models
* Large or complex models
* Exterior renderings "

2003-12-08, 10:16 PM
Using a section box to limit amout of model to calculate is not working in 5.1--best bet is to wait for 6.0

Make sure you turn off all lights not directly influencing your scene as well.

2003-12-08, 11:47 PM
in my work's the section box do is work fine
give me a more eficient model to been rendered
and help the radiosity calculation