View Full Version : Groups vs. Nested Families

2009-10-08, 10:26 AM
I'm starting a new project for a medical school lab building and we have several lab benches that are repatative around the project. A lab bench is simply a combination of different size and configuration of cabinets with a counter top and some standards and brackets type shelving above and sometimes includes sinks. I am pushing people in the direction of nested families but many newer revit users would rather use groups. My experience with groups is that they get messy fast. Does anyone care to share some pros and cons to nested families vs. groups in this situation. One important point might be that we are ONLY doing the lab work so this project is just lab equipment in a linked architectural model.

2009-10-08, 11:40 AM
Yes you are right. Groups are not advisable because of their temperamental nature and getting currepted sometimes. Also, from files size point of view and generating view graphics point of view, nested families are far more efficient than groups. Nested family is always advisable over group, where possible. and in your case it is definitely possible.


cliff collins
2009-10-08, 01:21 PM
I agree that nested families are preferred over groups for a casework situation such as this.
