View Full Version : hide duplicate view annotation

2009-10-08, 06:18 PM
I need to create duplicate views so that I can hide elements in front to show elements that were hidden. So I'm duplicating elevations and sections and hiding the parts I don't want to see. Some of these views are duplicated 3 or 4 times or more. The issue is that it is also duplicating the annotation tags (section markers, elevation tags, callout tags).
The duplicate views that I'm making are almost like a separate phase, they are part of a separate set of drawings in addition to the main set.
So the issue I'm having is that I don't want the duplicate view tags to show up in the original drawings. Is there a way to turn off the duplicate view tags without going to each one and hiding it in the view?
I've created a parameter that sorts the new duplicate views in the project browser so I know which views they are. Do I need to create phases and assign the view to a later phase, or can I use a scope box (never used them)? or should I try to make them hide at scales coarser than...?

2009-10-08, 08:10 PM
This would be a good use of filters if you are doing a lot of this duplication.