View Full Version : Stacked walls and roof overhangs

2009-10-08, 07:36 PM
So I need to change a brick veneer wall to siding with brick wainscot - but the brick wainscot has several sweeps in it. I thought I would give stacked walls another try instead of trying to do ALL the brick with individual sweeps (recessed brick course every 4th course up to 56" above the floor).

So besides getting over FIFTY errors when changing my exterior walls from basic to stacked (roof disappeared, all my trim sweeps disappeared), the roof sketch would not behave correctly when trying to remake the roof. I selected the wall and set it to extend to core, with an overhang of 24 inches. However when I measured from the face of core (face of stud layer) it was actually more like 2' - 0 3/16"! What the heck??? 24 inches back from the sketch line put me somewhere in the middle of my substrate layer.

FYI both wall types in the stacked wall contained the same core, interior finish, and substrate layers, and were aligned by the centerline of the core layer.

So why the discrepancy?

*edit* it looks like when you pick a stacked wall for a roof sketch, it ALWAYS defaults to or measures from the center of the OVERALL wall assembly! What sort of madness is that?? Doesn't matter if you set it extend to core or not, it ALWAYS goes to the center of the overall assembly.

This makes stacked walls even more useless and more of a pain than I thought they were :banghead:

2009-10-08, 08:49 PM
Its also tricky if you edit the basic walls that are in the stacked walls, while theyre on coursing or while sketches are dependant on them. Simple logic says you cant edit BOTH basic walls at once, so if its anything that shifts the thickness of ONE basic wall, it gets goofy. You get used to making a different stacked wall, making the edits there, and then replacing the other stacked wall.

That said, once you get used to them theyre great. I use them for almost all of my projects. Theyre quirky in their own rights, but its like anything else in Revit. You just have to know what they like and what they dont...

I have had issues with Windows and doors disappearing depending on how many basic walls are in the stacked wall versus what kind of walls theyre replacing, but a simple Cut before and Paste after replacement usually quells that one...

2009-10-08, 09:08 PM
bleh I'll just do separate walls for upper and lower. I'm the perfectionist type and I LIKE having my rafter-framed roof sit correctly on the inside face of wall core when the roof offset is set to zero and rafter type. :) Apparently with the way stacked walls handles roof sketch lines, that's not possible. You'll ALWAYS have to sketch the roof footprint and then adjust the height in section.

2009-10-09, 12:06 AM
bleh I'll just do separate walls for upper and lower. I'm the perfectionist type and I LIKE having my rafter-framed roof sit correctly on the inside face of wall core when the roof offset is set to zero and rafter type. :) Apparently with the way stacked walls handles roof sketch lines, that's not possible. You'll ALWAYS have to sketch the roof footprint and then adjust the height in section.

LOL, whatever works for you. I wouldnt give up my stacked walls any faster than id go back to Vectorworks, LOL.

2009-10-09, 02:04 AM
LOL, whatever works for you. I wouldnt give up my stacked walls any faster than id go back to Vectorworks, LOL.

Well, this is likely a product of a program that has to define a general rule, and not knowing what particular assemblies the rule will be applied to, goes with a general solution that needs to be somewhat modified in the project. Fair enough. Once you determine your core width and make one adjustment in section, you can set that offset in the properties of roofs incorporating that framing system going forward.

I can live with that.

2009-10-09, 06:38 PM
Yeah well... I just hate having roofs that are in the right place relative to their host level, and yet their offset value is some random amount down to so many 256ths of an inch. Again that's just me. :p

Factory verified it and said development would take a look at it, and hopefully get it fixed in a "future" release. :roll:

I suppose any sort of fix would either have to include a setting to tell which wall in the stacked type the roof needs to reference, or automatically make it reference the top piece's core layer.