View Full Version : Revit Videos and Self Promotion Guidelines.

2004-11-15, 07:02 PM
Are there any good revit introductory videos out there for download?

2004-11-15, 07:17 PM
Here is a link to the video archives on Revit: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=2423607

2004-11-15, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the link, looks like some great info. Do you know if there are any AVI files instead of the streaming media? If not we'll just have to get a better connection.
Thanks again.

Roger Evans
2004-11-15, 08:37 PM
Dick Barath posted some links here for AVI's if you do a search you should find them
sorry can't be more help .Got to go >>>>>>>>

2004-11-15, 09:31 PM
I just tried to watch the family editor webcast that Autodesk has made available. I think someone trying to learn Revit will find it frustrating as the screen shot stalls several times as the voice (very poor quality telephone audio) carries on. Key parts are missing. I turned it off half way through.

2004-11-15, 11:06 PM
I'm actually making a couple of Revit tutorial Videos to give out for free soon. It will probably be early next year, however, but I'll post here to let you all know when I get them online.

The first one will be on Better Renderings. I was thinking the next one would be on Families. I know I didn't really understand Families until I went to AU and had a class on them, so I figure a couple of downloadable .AVI files that focus in on some particular Revit things would be a good thing to have. I was thinking of making some of them available for free, some of them for purchase upon download (but you can watch it as much as you want post-download, or share them with your whole Firm), and then when I have enough together selling them all on a DVD or something as a package. What do you think? Would you be interested in this at all? Also how much would you think would be fair to charge? I know it's a hard question to ask, for you haven't seen the quality yet, but assuming they are pretty profesional and informative, what do you think it a fair price?

2004-11-15, 11:25 PM
These are pretty good. I got them from a link on this forum I think:

Roger Evans
2004-11-15, 11:58 PM
Can't wait Jeffrey ~ I think Mr Zoog was going on the same lines ~ perhaps anyone considering this should get together ~ damn good market out there .. and as soon as possible please.

And seeing as this thread is about Revit Education ~ I came across this earlier today


Online General design study courses that look like they could be fun to do .. Did somebody mention Distance Learning?
My worst enemy in learning Revit is finding the time .. maybe something like this would force my arm make me more disciplined etc

2004-11-16, 01:56 PM
Great link for videos. Thanks. I haven't had a chance to watch yet but they look promising.

Interesting link, some great ideas there.

I'm not sure if this should be a new thread or not?
Has anyone run across any people doing revit / VIZ work for rendering or animations?

2004-11-16, 04:56 PM
Jeffrey, I don't know about cost, but I do know that girls in bikinis sell allot of beer...
Choose your camera personalities wisely :)
Then, if it's really good, you can charge pretty much whatever you want :)

2004-11-16, 05:26 PM
re: pricing for training videos.
I think if it is priced in the range of a decent book, ($60 to $100) most people would be able to spring for it. Compared to in-person training it is a real bargain. Plus you can play it over and over without appearing dim.:-)

2004-11-16, 06:15 PM
I'm actually making a couple of Revit tutorial Videos to give out for free soon.I'm sure our members will appreciate this when you do.

...I was thinking of making some of them available for free, some of them for purchase upon download...What do you think? Would you be interested in this at all? Also how much would you think would be fair to charge?...Please keep in mind that this is on the very edge or slightly over AUGI's guidelines on commercial posts.

(edited: added link) FAQ's LINK (http://forums.augi.com/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_vb_augi)

2004-11-16, 06:32 PM
Please keep in mind that this is on the very edge or slightly over AUGI's guidelines on commercial posts.
Are these guidelines posted? Where?

It is not obvious why AUGI might object to commercial posts that promote products which are complimentary Autodesk offerings or help with implementation of Autodesk products. Thus, explicit guidelines would be useful.

2004-11-16, 06:40 PM
IPlease keep in mind that this is on the very edge or slightly over AUGI's guidelines on commercial posts.

But I'm not promoting anything. I don't even have the things made yet. I was just asking if folks are at all interested in some Revit training vids, if it's something they could see themselves actually spending money on at some point. It's more market-research than it's really promotion...

2004-11-16, 07:01 PM
They are published under the FAQs. Historically it appears that AUGI had a lot of trouble with commercial postings and so they set out to quash all such posts. It is a grey area though and the moderators typically ask people to check their own posts if we feel that the post in question is too close to being commercial in nature.

It is generally less of an issue in the Revit Community Forum as we do not have an API or a plethora of commercial bodies selling families, I think the problem has been with people endlessly posting "this can be addressed by downloading a lisp routine from my website., Only five dollar.". That may change as Revit becomes more established and if and when an API is exposed to the world and so we are charged with ensuring that the guidelines are applied equally and that a precedent for a softer approach to commercial postings is not established.

Forum Don'ts

Do not post the same question to more than one Forum at a time. The term for this is "Cross-Forum Posting" which can be quite confusing and will complicate the Forum process. All but one of the posts will be deleted by the moderators.

Do not add the Forum or any Forum member's address to any mailing list.

Do not use addresses obtained from a Forum message for any personal or business mailing.

Feel free to discuss employment prospects, but do not post job descriptions or resumes in messages to the Forum.

Do not post advertising or self promotional material or links to them to the Forum. We realize that there is a gray area where it may be necessary to do so to provide technical solutions. We also recognize blatant self promotion. To advertise on AUGI, please contact the Augiworld Magazine staff.

2004-11-16, 07:22 PM
...market research......is commercial in nature.

Asking how much something would be worth to our members and talking about selling something is commercial. This isn't intended to be unpleasant, nor are you being singled out. Every post that is commercial in nature is looked at closely by moderators (not just our own, often moderators from other forums have commented on them before we have).

It just doesn't come up much in our forum for the reasons Peter describes. A recent instance is Chris Yearick's product. I'm sure that you are creative enough to come up with a way to ask your questions and still fit within the guidelines.

AUGI Guidelines (http://forums.augi.com/faq.php?)

Roger Evans
2004-11-16, 07:22 PM
This is pretty much a recurring theme in this forum ~ almost justifying its own spot, so to speed things up
Can this be made a sticky ? with links to previous posts ?

Methinks something like

"Revit Learning Experience"

where would it be placed though?

2004-11-16, 09:25 PM
The Forum Guidelines are on the AUGI Guidelines link posted above by Steve Stafford.

That should be sufficient, but its not something that most people will read anyway.

2004-11-17, 12:21 AM
sorry. didn't know that idle questions in a half-hearted attempt for some lazy market research regarding *potential* future commercial products that I haven't even started on was considered commercial use. :D

Just kidding. OK, I knew that commercial posting was out, I've read the guidelines, but thought I was still OK 'cause I was asking about folks interest in a future product to determine if I should even try to make it, not advertising or researching said product. Now I know that even idle 'market research' is right out.

For further clarification, what about posting about commercial usage of Open Source software? I'm working on a plug-in for Blender that allows for import of Revit models with Materials intact. I'm going to also produce a kit to get folks up and running using Blender and Radiance for Architectural models. I'm also going to be buying a CNC router table early next year, and once I figure out how to go from Revit to the CNC table writing a little guide on how to do that. I'm also working on a Project to allow Revit models, via Blender, to be used with Croquet. All of these systems, Blender, Croquet, Radiance, my plug-ins, my software, and my little guides are all Open Source, and Free, but can be used for commercial use. Is it ok to promote, research, and discuss these 'products' here on AUGI, because they are all Open Source and Free? Or is the fact that they will all link back to my (soon to be started) company's website, which will also have some commercial things too for sale, make there discussion and promotion 'advertisement' sense folks might, say, read my little guide for using Revit models for rapid prototyping and then follow the link back to my company's website and then want to hire and/or buy something from me?

I just wanna stay in the clear, and have a lot of irons in the fire as you can see. I'm starting a business, and part of that business will be freelance support, work, and consulting for Revit & rendering and stuff, as well as making things, doing design work, and more. So I want to know now what will and won't be OK, so that I don't in any way upset things.

Because I seem to do enough of that as it is. ;-)

Roger Evans
2004-11-17, 12:30 AM
Why the cnc router & Revit? I'm intrigued

2004-11-17, 12:42 AM
Do not post advertising or self promotional material or links to them to the Forum. We realize that there is a gray area where it may be necessary to do so to provide technical solutions. We also recognize blatant self promotion. To advertise on AUGI, please contact the Augiworld Magazine staff

AUGI's position would be that you are posting self promotional material if you direct members to your web site, regardless that some of the material on your site is open source or freeware. Keep in mind that many commercial sites offer some "freebies".

You can respond to a members question by referring to available open source software that helps solve their problem, and possibly providing a link to that, if that is not your own site.

You can, of course, have a link to your own site in your signature line. ( ... Many AUGI members have this.)


For further clarification, what about posting about commercial usage of Open Source software? .....
...I just wanna stay in the clear, and have a lot of irons in the fire as you can see.

Roger Evans
2004-11-17, 12:46 AM
Revit City also has some good links Jeffrey

2004-11-17, 12:58 AM
sorry. didn't know that idle questions in a half-hearted attempt for some lazy market research regarding *potential* future commercial products that I haven't even started on was considered commercial use.
Keep in mind, if this forum was still hosted on Chris Zoog's server in little ole Riverton, NJ, I wouldn't have said boo to you. It's a different sandbox we're in now and, "I don't make the laws sir, I just enforce them". :wink: (or these laws were here when I got here...take your pick)

My test for this issue is, "Are goods or services are being offered or discussed in exchange for money?"

I imagine you can generate interest in your ideas without discussing the commercial specifics of how you want to trade your ideas for money. If you can you'll run into no problems here. At some point however you'll need to consider your options to advertise the availability of your new products, understanding that you won't be able to do it (advertise) in the forums. You can always appeal to AUGI mgmt for advice and contact the Augiworld staff for advertising ideas.

2004-11-17, 01:00 AM
Can't wait Jeffrey ~ I think Mr Zoog was going on the same lines ~ perhaps anyone considering this should get together ~ damn good market out there .. and as soon as possible please.

man you have a memory like an elephant, yes I am working on a video series, and it may be a commercial venture, thus I may or may not be able to discuss it here, won't know until it's fleshed out a bit more. ;)


2004-11-17, 01:10 AM
Well HJ doesn't speak up with any self promotion but since his is a for-profit website, are we violating any standards by directing people to his website? Hmmm... no one has spanked me yet but who knows. Oh well. {(

2004-11-17, 01:20 AM
Good point Abe.

To be PC , we will now stop referring to that " other place". :)

Well HJ doesn't speak up with any self promotion but since his is a for-profit website, are we violating any standards by directing people to his website? Hmmm... no one has spanked me yet but who knows. Oh well. {(

Roger Evans
2004-11-17, 01:38 AM
Didn't know that .. clever little hj

2004-11-17, 01:47 AM
I imagine you can generate interest in your ideas without discussing the commercial specifics of how you want to trade your ideas for money. If you can you'll run into no problems here.

OK, I understand, however I'm still unclear about one thing. Let's say that I post something like a family or a PDF that explains a certain idea. Like a mini-guide about 'Rapid Prototyping and Revit'. This PDF is free, I'm sharing it with anyone who wants it, and I post that PDF as an attachment to a thread here on AUGI. The *only* reference to my company and it's website is a single small line on the title page and a copyright notice or something. Is that OK, or is that still self-promotion, even though my company doesn't sell anything having to do with rapid prototyping, it just happens to use it to make things, and I'd like to share what I've learned with everyone.

I mean, I totally understand the policy, and understand that other folks give out 'freebies' to get you to go to the website. However, in the example of the Open Source Blender plug-in I'm working on, this is something that is a *tool* I'm making for my Business to use, not something that I'm going to sell, and not something even similar to anything else my Business does sell. It's just so that I can use Blender instead of Max/Viz, and I want to share it with others in the hope it helps them out if they too want to use Blender. Is the fact that folks might hire me at some point to make Animations or Stills using these tools enough that talking about said tools is considered self-promotion?

Sorry to be unclear on this. I have to admit however, that I'm a little sad that some of these projects I'm working on (that in no way are being sold) won't be able to be directly shared with the Revit community at large due to the simple fact that I'd like to have my business name on them somewhere. I mean, can I not talk about Blender and Radiance now because I'm soon going to be giving away tools to use those packages for free, but happen to use them professionally too? Am I not going to point someone to a free video I did about Rendering within Revit to answer someone's questions? I can understand the rules, and even think they are wise, but I still, at least emotionally, feel a little sad that some of this stuff I wanted to directly share is now gonna have such issues attached to it.

Roger Evans
2004-11-17, 02:01 AM
Shouldn't someone make up & then move forward to produce an open sourcebook link for Revit listing all possible links to training / services etc ?

I think I would visit that fairly often.

2004-11-17, 02:47 AM
OK, I understand, however I'm still unclear about one thing. Let's say that I post something like a family or a PDF that explains a certain idea. Like a mini-guide about 'Rapid Prototyping and Revit'. This PDF is free, I'm sharing it with anyone who wants it, and I post that PDF as an attachment to a thread here on AUGI. The *only* reference to my company and it's website is a single small line on the title page and a copyright notice or something. Is that OK, or is that still self-promotion, even though my company doesn't sell anything having to do with rapid prototyping, it just happens to use it to make things, and I'd like to share what I've learned with everyone.
Thats OK, presuming the reference to your company is effectively a "signature line"

I mean, I totally understand the policy, and understand that other folks give out 'freebies' to get you to go to the website. However, in the example of the Open Source Blender plug-in I'm working on, this is something that is a *tool* I'm making for my Business to use, not something that I'm going to sell, and not something even similar to anything else my Business does sell. It's just so that I can use Blender instead of Max/Viz, and I want to share it with others in the hope it helps them out if they too want to use Blender. Is the fact that folks might hire me at some point to make Animations or Stills using these tools enough that talking about said tools is considered self-promotion?
No, thats not self promotion. Its perfectly OK to share non-commercial "tools", providing you are not promoting a commercial site by doing so.
We hope you do share your knowledge and "tools" Jeff ! - Looking forward to it in fact.

Sorry to be unclear on this. I have to admit however, that I'm a little sad that some of these projects I'm working on (that in no way are being sold) won't be able to be directly shared with the Revit community at large due to the simple fact that I'd like to have my business name on them somewhere. I mean, can I not talk about Blender and Radiance now because I'm soon going to be giving away tools to use those packages for free, but happen to use them professionally too? Am I not going to point someone to a free video I did about Rendering within Revit to answer someone's questions? I can understand the rules, and even think they are wise, but I still, at least emotionally, feel a little sad that some of this stuff I wanted to directly share is now gonna have such issues attached to it.
As mentioned above, we hope you do share all this great sounding stuff. Sharing it by posting "how-to's" in the forum is fine. You're not promoting a site by doing that.

Discussing Blender and Radiance here in the forums is fine too, and welcomed.

"Pointing to a free video " - OK , as long as its not on a commercial site.

I think you get the picture. - Everything goes as long as there is no "commercial content " involved.

Looking forward to seeing some of those tools in the near future.

2004-11-17, 05:55 AM
All the "old hands" here know that Jeffery has been among the most dedicated and energetic members of the community all the way back to the pre-Autodesk days of alt.cad.revit.

It's a different sandbox we're in now and, "I don't make the laws sir, I just enforce them". :wink:

Since this is such a grey area, I must say that I was not at all concerned or offended by the post. I know I'm not alone in admiring Jeffery's optimism as well as his ambition.

When a line must be drawn, let's make sure that we continue to promote the sense of community that has always been the foundation of this group's success.


2004-11-17, 07:19 AM
...I have to admit however, that I'm a little sad that some of these projects I'm working on (that in no way are being sold) won't be able to be directly shared with the Revit community at large due to the simple fact that I'd like to have my business name on themJeffrey, before you get too sad...try not to read into this more than necessary.

In an attempt to clarify...


In response to a thread you submit a post that says, "I can help you with this problem, visit my web site so you can buy my product".
In response to a thread you say, "I've got a family that you can use for $75."
You post a new thread, "Announcing your new company is open for business and waiting for customers please call.
Not Commercial:

In response to a thread about CNC and Revit you shared a PDF that explains the process that you've found is most effective. It carrys your company logo and contact info as well as a copyright.
In response to a thread you supply a family and an explanation that details its use and advantages over a typical family of its type. You ask for and receive his email and then follow up with a private email that explains in detail what your company is doing and why you made the family available.
Personally I am not fond of the the guideline. I think there are many instances where our members can contribute, meaningfully in a commercial manner, to the adoption and implementation of Revit without turning our forums into to ad spam HEdoublehockeysticks.

In our past home, commercial posts were subjected to a true test, user interaction. They were either totally ignored or heavily visited. When we joined AUGI the thread on Cyril's books was the most heavily viewed thread and remains so. Even though I may not be fond of it, I am still expected to review posts and deal with them with the guidelines in mind.

Last, please continue to share your ideas and your enthusiam. Don't let this guideline scare or deter you from making a difference. Just realize that when you want to advertise or promote them you'll need to be creative and respectful of the the guidelines.

If our members believe that this particular guideline is not what we need to make this forum work, then we all should say so.

Marek Brandstatter
2004-11-17, 07:33 AM
It is not obvious why AUGI might object to commercial posts that promote products which are complimentary Autodesk offerings or help with implementation of Autodesk products.
In the case of Revit, I suggest 'the powers' consider changing 'the rules' as this is undoubtably is best place to discuss, review, analyse, advise on products (existing or planned) that are complimentary to Revit. At this "mid-chasm" stage of Revit's market penetration, it would be a pity to restrict developers from tapping into the collective brain power of this amazing forum.

Perhaps a 3rd Party Add-on section?

Wes Macaulay
2004-11-17, 07:46 AM
Now I know that even idle 'market research' is right out.It is. And so is five. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it

2004-11-17, 07:54 AM
If our members believe that this particular guideline is not what we need to make this forum work, then we all should say so.

Less moderation not more. If a company abuses the right to advertise 2 things will happen.

1: People will ignore their posts
2: Moderators will unsubscribe them.

Given there isn't any API currently... it's not like the advertising bandwidth is going to be huge. If the advertsing bandwidth does explode when.... there's an API move it to a separate forum.


2004-11-17, 07:59 AM
It is. And so is five. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it
Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.

2004-11-17, 01:40 PM
Good point Abe.

To be PC , we will now stop referring to that " other place". :)Well, I have to respectfully disagree. At least while the AUGI exchange is not fully functional, that other place has served a valuable service. And even once AUGI exhange is fully functional, I'm sure that there is going to be content there that isn't here, and content here that isn't there.

Now, once AUGI exchange is functional there isn't a reason to refer people there anymore cuz no one else should be asking "where's RUGI and when is the exchange going to open and who killed RUGI and does Autodesk own AUGI..." etc... but right now, the site has served a purpose. And heck, while RUGI was not for profit, some of us did send donations to Jerry & Candy to help keep it open.

OK, more: There are many other threads here, new & old, about training books & videos, and there is even one in the wishlist right now asking for books. Now, can we not even point someone to resources out there that may be valuable to them?

OH well. There's my morning rant.

2004-11-17, 02:24 PM
can we not even point someone to resources out there that may be valuable to them?.
Yes you can, and you will find that lots of people here, the moderators included, have been doing just that.

I imagine that Degnan DB receives ten or twenty unsolicited pieces of paper mail each week plus the two catalogues from suppliers you last used three years ago and in your email box you will find 50 or more junk emails from dating sites, PC sales companies, people offering you Viagra and plenty of other less savoury services. Perhaps you receive similar amounts of junk faxes to the mail that you receive and another two or three calls per day trying to interest you in changing your phone provider, your electricity supplier, your preferred plasterboard or the software you use for modeling your buildings. That gets up to around 70-80 bits of advertising each week, if you are at the low end of the spectrum.

If we don't act to refuse all commercial postings in AUGI you will probably find that the 70-80 items increases to 80 or 90 as you plough through more unwanted advertising. AUGI, a volunteer organisation, with limited resources will also find itself paying for valuable bandwidth for people to advertise for free, which isn't right or fair. The logical progression of that is that AUGI has to charge membership for the forums, or has to refuse uploads/downloads (also bandwidth hungry) and image attachments (likewise) or work harder to maintain the funding sources that are in place. To retain it's credibility, AUGI cannot afford the implied liability that monitoring commercial posts and trying to allow only 'the good ones' to remain, nor do we have the resources for it. As it is watching an dealing with commercial posts without upsetting people is another job for the moderators (though not usually me, thankfully).

Refusing commercial posting also means that the people who recommend are likely to be people who's judgement you feel you can trust, and if you don't trust them not act on the referral, and that is what tends to happen with various external resources here. It is not unusual to find people saying things like 'take a look at Accustudio.com' or 'you might find it at Revit City' or even, more directly, 'Cyril Verley's book covers that very well'.

There are structures that enable people to push a small number of adverts on AUGI for which charges are made, but they are kept away from the forums. On the whole I think people are making too much of this policy decision which was taken before we joined the AUGI throng and exists for the public good. There are enough ways and means around it to ensure that the good products will be well known to people here even without direct commercial postings.

2004-11-17, 03:20 PM
On one hand I can understand and appreciate the idea of protecting discussion forums from unsolicited and excessive commercial advertising. On the other hand users do need to find good complimentary products. This is a legitimate need and instead of ignoring it why wouldn't AUGI consider a possibility to setting up an area to address the need in a way that would benefit the user community at large? For example, each product may have a special page that lists complimentary/partner products and allows users to post their reviews and recommendations. Instead of banning promotions it may make more sense to provide a special organized area for them.

Marek Brandstatter
2004-11-17, 04:01 PM
FYI - at Cadplan we're hard at work developing a "comprehensive" Estimating solution for Revit. I'd like to think that we can come here for advice, opinions and general discussion regarding this.

2004-11-17, 05:25 PM

I must take exception with your characterization of Jeffrey's post as being "...slightly over AUGI's guidelines" re commercial. Any regular reader at this forum will find an abundance of Jeffrey's posts with good solid knowledge and a helpful attitude. As most long time posters here, This body of posts in the aggregate counts for something of a reputation--judge for yourself.

I interpreted Jeffrey's question and speculation as suitable discussion topic. And yes, I would be interested in avi on rendering(Jeffrey must do this stuff in his sleep) or on families. And while I am at it, good avis about constraints, locks, and other Revit mysteries--occasionally boring but critical stuff. suggested title: Why is my window 10' away from it's home? And yes even if I had to "gulp" pay for it.

Before the switch to the auspices of AUGI, I voiced my concern that this forum should not be commercial; an attitude I maintain. Time has proven it not to be. However content, tutorials, avi, and such offered by known contributers, in my view, are welcome.

2004-11-17, 05:42 PM
If our members believe that this particular guideline is not what we need to make this forum work, then we all should say so.
Well I'd like to say so, I have no objection to relevant commercial content, and I'd be happy for the moderators to make the judgement of whats relevant. If its really a problem why not have a commercial forum.

Allen Lacy
2004-11-17, 05:47 PM
While I agree with the sentiment of most folks about AUGI "loosening up" its policy regarding "commercial" postings, we have to remember that we are the new kids on the block.

We Reviteers are a unique group within the Autodesk umbrella. With no open API (yet), there isn't much of a commercial market for add-on products, content, etc. other than tutorial books and videos. But imagine if AUGI changed its policy for all other products. It would be an advertising nightmare (a la AOL).

I think that Leonid has hit upon an interesting idea. Setting up a separate part of AUGI that could be used for this purpose, an expanded and dedicated to "commercial" ventures where companies could pay to advertise their services/products (AUGIWorld has advertisements in a print version, why not allow them to be done electronically on this site?)

My two cents.

2004-11-17, 06:32 PM
These are pretty good. I got them from a link on this forum I think:
I just wanted to thank you for the link. The videos are pretty good considering that they are free! It took a long time to download a few of them, as there sizes were in the 145MB range. But it might of been worth it.

On another note I feel commercial stuff has its place but a separate forum may be the answer.

2004-11-17, 06:44 PM
Run away! Run away! :D

Anyways, I was posting not just to understand the guidelines, but also so we'll have some post we can point people to in the future outlining what's ok and what's not. Thanks to Steve and Co. in outlining the guidelines so clearly.

And I agree with the mighty L.Raiz, and think the best solution would for there to be a 'review' section of Augi, where folks can post their personal reviews of Revit products, and others can comment on those reviews or rank them and such. This solves the issue of how the Augi community can hear about commercial products. For I can make a product, ask a few friends to review it, they can post there reviews here on Augi, then folks can publicly agree or disagree or post their own reviews... (to help keep a balance, so that my friends aren't just acting as shills)...

And I don't do Revit in my sleep. :) I just don't watch TV, and I have a laptop that goes with me everywhere. You'd be really surprised how much time you've suddenly got for things once you get rid of the TV... :D

2004-12-21, 12:05 PM
Run away! Run away!Well we now have R&D Lounge to discuss ideas...so no need to Run Run away...in fact...stay...stay...stay...(for BeeGee...sing to McCartney's Say, Say, Say)

This is a legitimate need and instead of ignoring it why wouldn't AUGI consider a possibility to setting up an area to address the need in a way that would benefit the user community at large?We agree and are glad to provide such a place now. Special thanks to Leonid, Marek and Jeffrey for expressing their views and helping us shape our community! Cheers!

2005-01-04, 10:35 PM
...I must take exception with your characterization of Jeffrey's post as being "...slightly over AUGI's guidelines" re commercial...

I held off replying to you until I knew we could make this forum happen. Now that it has I hope the new R&D Forum helps you see it wasn't a personal attack on Jeffery nor that we even disagreed on the usefulness of this sort of discussion.

This thread helped us identify a need that AUGI finds itself much better able to address with the Forums than before. Compared with the email only guild system where it was paramount to avoid plunging members into a vortex of unwanted email.

Thanks for being vocal. Your opinion, along with others, helped create this new forum.

2005-01-08, 12:30 AM
I want to understand this whole thread Steve. This is the first time I saw this thread. Was this started in another forum and then moved here?

Is the R&D Lounge a place to talk about any commercial products or just commercial products that relate to Revit? Or is the AUGI rules still in full effect for the R&D Lounge?

I justed wanted to clarify, I skimmed through some of the responses in the thread.



2005-01-08, 12:40 AM
Hi Chris,

Have you read Steve's " Welcome to the R & D Lounge (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11906) " ? I think it should answer your questions.

This thread was originally posted in the Revit General forum and was moved here when this forum started.


2005-01-08, 12:55 AM
As Beegee said...it was moved here. You are one of the "troublemakers" that gave this forum legs! :beer: Our primary focus is Revit naturally but I don't see your product as completely unrelated. It may serve the needs of our some of our community very well. They can provide valuable feedback to ensure it does.

As a member of our community and a long standing Revit user/early adopter it is great to see how you are growing.

2005-01-10, 03:42 PM
I did read it Beegee, but I just wanted to make sure. I don't like being a troublemaker ;-) . I like to follow rules if possible, unless I screw up.

Thanks, Steve. We are doing a couple a cleanup bug issues and adding a couple more features to the program. Business AIA and software is going great! I just wish I had more time to help browse the group here and answer some questions.