View Full Version : Propery Lines - Bearings and Distances

2009-10-14, 04:00 PM
So I imported an ACAD survey and just picked lines for the property line. when I tag the lines, the distances are correct and the bearing are too with regard to degrees, minutes and seconds. However, the bearings report the opposite of what is indicated in the survery (i.e. N to W instead of S to E). when I use the edit table to convert the picked lines and then change the bearing to be as indicated in the ACAD survey, the property line flips (mirrors) and rotates. If I rotate the closed loop, then the bearings revert back to the opposites.

So, what's happening here?
Is there a way to change it without having to redraw the property lines using bearings and distances?


2009-10-14, 04:49 PM
Bearings are determined by the direction the line was drawn. If they had been drawn correctly in cad in the direction the property was described, they would have tagged right... but we all know that is usually not done. Erase the incorrectly tagged lines, one at a time and draw them in the correct direction.

2009-10-14, 05:21 PM
To do a property line by the table, though, requires the property line to be a complete closed loop. MANY times on surveys I will see bearings for every individual line by itself, not treating the boundary as a closed loop (i.e. one line connecting to the next, connecting to the next, etc.). I have seen parallel property lines with the SAME distance and bearing, where the bearing should be the opposite on one side from the other if it were actually a closed loop.

I say don't worry about it. The bearings and distances are still correct with regards to the actual property lines themselves, it's just that they're describing a different direction than the original survey.

Oh, I've also encountered errors on legal descriptions NUMEROUS times. I will often create a property line from a legal description if there is no CAD version of the survey available, and many times the legal description doesn't line up with what is drawn, sometimes by a LARGE margin of error, and sometimes by only a small amount (legal descriptions aren't always exact down to the second of a degree). Sometimes it's an error on the original survey drawing in the warranty deed, and other times it's a typo in distances and/or bearings in the legal description.

2009-10-14, 06:03 PM
thanks everyone. I do not wish to spend time jotting down bearings and then recreating....
I am just going to leave it for now...and explain to surveyor once I deliver my site layout plan.

I may experiment with drawing the lines over using the tip given. thanks again.