View Full Version : AIA Layer Standards - One Click

2009-10-16, 06:49 PM
I have developed a Macro for setting up AIA Layer Standards. It is just a one click deal. Thought of sharing it for others. I got the layer informations from a lisp file which I downloaded some time back. I don't remember the url or the person who wrote the lips file. So First, I extend my thanks to that unknown programmer who compiled all the layers in Lisp. I just wrote a VBA version. Hope it is helpful for others.:)

2009-10-22, 07:21 AM
Please see the updated varsion of the same Macro.
New features:

It now gives a search option to search through the Layer Descriptions. Clicking on a description in the Search Result would select the corresponding layer in the list of layers.
Double-Clicking a layer in the layer list adds that layer to the current drawing

2011-08-11, 06:28 AM
Please see the updated varsion of the same Macro.

New features:

It now gives a search option to search through the Layer Descriptions. Clicking on a description in the Search Result would select the corresponding layer in the list of layers.
Double-Clicking a layer in the layer list adds that layer to the current drawing


new to here, dowloaded macro and run it but still i need to creat ctb prting file is there any way that when i run this macro ctb file automatically created for decipline.