View Full Version : Urgent Revit Drawing Scale Question

2009-10-17, 02:05 PM
Hello guys,

I've just started using Revit for a day now and i have a major dillema,i don't know what scale Revit uses for "drawing".

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I've got a project at my university that consists in building a school and at the current stage i want to draw the basic site where the school will be placed.Because it's in a residential area i want to create the actual site,including roads,buildings,etc.Since I've received the site area on a piece of paper,A3 format,where the scale is 1:100 i was wondering how do I create the site in Revit 2010 since I don't know what scale Revit uses for drawing things.

Let's say I'm trying to create a building that in real life it's 22m long,on the paper at scale 1:1000 is 2,2cm at 1:100 scale it's 22cm so what's the building size if i draw it in Revit,if the scale it's set to 1:1000((from the bottom of the screen where the shadows,shades,etc are)would i draw 2,2cm in revit or 22m?
since i've draw a box in Revit 2x2cm at a scale of 1:1000 and when i've changed the scale to 1:100 all it happen was the view just zoomed in a little bit,that's it,it should have been transformed into 20x20cm so what scale do i actually draw in revit?

Thank you!

2009-10-17, 02:36 PM
draw according to the real measurement- if it is 10' then draw 10' in the computer. then you can change the scale at the bottom of the view and it will print to that scale....

2009-10-17, 03:18 PM
thanks a million

2009-10-18, 07:14 PM
Here's a tip:

In Revit, annotations, text, and everything on sheets is drawn actual size. Everything else is drawn at the real world dimensions, and then you can change the scale as needed to fit on the sheet.