View Full Version : Recover texts deleted with "select all instances"

2009-10-21, 07:57 PM
In one of our projects, all the text objects that belong to the type "3/32" Arial Narrow" (around 1000 objects) are missing. It seems one of the team members has selected all these text types using "Select all instances" right click menu and deleted them. This has happened sometime last Friday. We can see the deleted texts in our backup files.
Is there an easy way to bring those text objects to our current revit project?
A team of around 5 people have been working on the rvt project for the past couple of days. We dont want to loose this work since last Friday. It will be nice if we could somehow copy/paste the text that are scattered over various views from the backup to the new project.
Please help. Thanks.

2009-10-21, 08:34 PM
You can open both projects (working and backup) and cut and paste from one to the other. That is going to be about as good as it gets.

2009-10-21, 09:53 PM
Thanks for your reply, Jeff.
We need to copy/paste for each view (and only the text that below to the 'narrow' type, right?
The project has around 200 views!!! I was expecting a quicker method....

2009-10-22, 01:02 AM
Thanks for your reply, Jeff.
We need to copy/paste for each view (and only the text that below to the 'narrow' type, right?
The project has around 200 views!!! I was expecting a quicker method....

You will need to do each view individually. Sorry :-( "Select all instances" is very powerfull. You have to be carefull though to use the power for good and not for evil.