View Full Version : Keyboard shortcuts with Subscription pack

2009-10-25, 10:48 PM
The new keyboard shortcut system doesn't work well with 'single key' shortcuts anymore. I used to be able to set 'M' then Enter to trigger the Move command...but now it wants me to use arrow keys to select the appropriate shortcut beginning with M.

The problem is that you cannot select the 'priority' of items that begin with the same letter. How do you set the 'priority' of which shortcut shows first? It used to be the 'first in the TXT' file.

Any ideas?

2009-10-26, 01:36 AM
So I'm assuming you have to remove all other associations that begin with that keystroke?

Alan aka cadalot
2009-10-26, 06:12 AM
Steve Stafford has answered that question in a nice little video over at his blog at RevitOpEd

See http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2009/10/keyboard-shortcuts-new-user-interface.html

2009-10-26, 12:18 PM
Seems like the "priority" is random. I just set a "C1" shortcut for Copy to try to set its priority above other shortcuts beginning with C. However when I type C, the first command to come up is Component.

Perhaps the order is defined first by Command in alphabetical order, then by Shortcut in Alphanumeric order? I don't think that's the case, because I have Mirror and Mirror - Draw Axis set up as MR and MD, the on down the list, Move is M1, MM, or MV. Yet when I type M, the M1 Move shortcut is listed first.

So I have the C1 for Copy, but that one is NOT listed first when I type C.

What gives here?