View Full Version : How do you find/type in 0, 0 coordinate in Revit?

2009-10-26, 02:57 PM
How do you find/type in 0, 0 coordinate in Revit?

I can do this by bringing in an AutoCADD file.
But can Revit do this without AutoCADD help?

2009-10-26, 03:06 PM
You can reveal the project base point by turning on Reveal Hidden Elements. This marker will be on the 0,0 point. Check out Project Base Points and Survey Points in the help file for details.


2009-10-26, 03:24 PM
You might find this post helpful:



2009-10-28, 01:29 PM
You can reveal the project base point by turning on Reveal Hidden Elements. This marker will be on the 0,0 point. Check out Project Base Points and Survey Points in the help file for details.



This is only available in Revit 2010.

For Revit 2009 and earlier, you must use the AutoCAD route to find 0,0.

2009-10-28, 03:25 PM
Another way without AutoCAD or the new point icons:

Create a model line
Add a Spot Dimension > Spot Coordinate
Place it at the end of the line
Now you see the coordinate value
Select both and move the line equal to the E/W and N/S values...to 0,0

Now you can see where 0,0 is.
(watch for the rounding tolerance of the spot dimension, it might be rounding too soon to be precise)

2009-10-29, 03:13 PM
Good tip Steve. It's always nice to know how to do things the long way, just in case.

2009-10-29, 05:32 PM
IMHO the Project and Survey base points have been one of the most useful features of 2010, for me.

2010-02-10, 12:43 PM
Is there any way to put spot coordinate symbol at intersection of two grid-lines?
When I draw a detail line I can snap to the end of it but, when I delete the line, spot coordinate symbol disappearing.
Any suggestions?

Gadget Man
2010-02-12, 04:25 AM
Is there any way to put spot coordinate symbol at intersection of two grid-lines?
When I draw a detail line I can snap to the end of it but, when I delete the line, spot coordinate symbol disappearing.
Any suggestions?

Czesc Czesio :)

What I've been doing in a simmilar situation, I simply leave a 1mm long detail line there for ever. And I often align it and lock it to the grid lines, if I want to make sure that this line it to move together with them...

2010-02-12, 06:01 AM
These are all really great tips and there are times when I have done something similar myself. Generally, I do it because I can be a bit obsessive-complusive about things that I should probably not be spending time exploring. I even moved the center reference plans in family templates to 0,0. But having come clean with my hidden foibles personally, I am curious about the collective motivation. What are the real-world reasons you all spend time locating 0,0? Have not found that this matters much with the ability to publish coordinates even when linking stuff or working in Navisworks.

And then, of course, there is that whole infinity thing and trying to accept that the universe really does not have up, down, right, left, north, south, east, west, top or bottom. Or 0,0,0. :)