View Full Version : Advantage pack additional shortcuts?

Martin P
2009-10-27, 11:21 AM
I have seen reference to there being additional shortcuts available - can anyone tell me what they are please?

Specifically I would like to know

can you now access Edit - sketch,group, wall profile etc etc via keyboard shortcuts?

can you access Finish / Quit - sketch,group, wall profile etc etc via shortcuts?

If so, what happens if you make them all have the same shortcut - does it work? ie ED for edit (whatever it is) FN for finish (whatever it is)

We have a general office policy of waiting several months to upgrade (for service packs etc to be issued) - Presumably this is a very stable release, if the above are implemented I may be able to push for it be used now....

2009-10-27, 12:02 PM
Hi Martin
The answer is yes to all your questions. And also yes you can have the same shortcut for all modes of edit sketch or boundry.
I have all ready taken advantage of this in my latest .AHK setup, its fantastic !!!
Have a look at attatched files.
Personally I wouldn"t hold back in updating to "advantage pack" it's got some great features and so far very stable

2009-10-27, 06:00 PM
Anyone had success adding commands?

They KINDLY added geometry-specific commands for lines (any sketch mode) and walls (structural and architectural). AWESOME. THANKYOU THANKYOU FACTORY.

But, I'd like to add that for detail and model lines. Type your shortcut for model lines, type the shortcut for circle or rectangle or whatever and you're in. This works for walls very well, seems it could extend to all linework.

Next, "Load into Project" as a shortcut doesn't work. Currently the only choice is for the rebar family editor and it won't extend to other family editors.

Martin P
2009-10-27, 07:18 PM
Where are they on the shortcuts editor?? cant seem to find them myself? :/

2009-10-27, 07:50 PM
See attached. Search by "wall" or by "architectural." "Line" has the same command options, but I think that is only for sketch mode work, even though model lines does the same... I think. I'm still trying to distinguish what is used where.

2009-10-27, 07:57 PM
Anyone had success adding commands?

They KINDLY added geometry-specific commands for lines (any sketch mode) and walls (structural and architectural). AWESOME. THANKYOU THANKYOU FACTORY.

But, I'd like to add that for detail and model lines. Type your shortcut for model lines, type the shortcut for circle or rectangle or whatever and you're in. This works for walls very well, seems it could extend to all linework.

Next, "Load into Project" as a shortcut doesn't work. Currently the only choice is for the rebar family editor and it won't extend to other family editors.

Awesome. Didn't even see line shortcuts. I feel an upstroke menu coming on.

Martin P
2009-10-27, 08:07 PM

you do know about "UP DOWN" "DOWN UP" "LEFT RIGHT" "RIGHT LEFT" - and the double diagonals too dont you? ;) plenty room in there to fill the lot! - then left up, right up.......

Was just looking at the Wacom intuos 4 today, appears to have menus and submenu options on a custom click wheel - with 8 points...... sounds vaguely familiar! (but a lot more expensive than this system!)

I think you ought to start a new thread Speedy UI 3.0 in tips and tricks. I think it has evolved quite a bit over the last few days and is also no longer compatible with non subscription... BTW, please add your name to the AHK file at the top, you must have just about done as much as I did by now.. I will start it off for you if you want ;)

As of now I am using your update... Thanks for spending time on it and allowing me to get subscription pack installed now rather than waiting months.

I have removed the Cancel at the bottom, not needed, just pick off the menu somewhere - didnt always work though.
Have added delete.. and more coming I am sure ;)

Also - I seem to have to delete the old strokeit setup for the new one to work or they appear to merge.

2009-10-29, 08:51 PM
I must say the ability to access nearly anything by keyboard shortcuts is awesome and will actually ween me off the classic ui now. I may be able to actually work faster now because I don't have to click any buttons, it may be usable with the ribbon minimized as well. The highlights are the all the draw tools are available (line, rectangle, arcs, etc). Type properties can have a shortcut now, they brought back the shortcuts for orienting a 3d view (even orient to view!) Little things like adding leaders to text via shortcut. That said there are currently some things they missed...
Shift+ any shifted symbol does not work, for example Shift+1 does not work
Load into project from the family editor is missing
Edit Boundary on Contextual tab for ceilings is missing
Model/Detail line draw shortcuts do not exist

Hopefully these will be fixed in the next build, but overall I'm very pleased with these enhancements.