View Full Version : Accuracy of Composer

2004-11-17, 04:55 PM
I have noticed that when I measure an object it is not as accurate as in a AutoCAD dimension. I made a 75.00 line and then made a dwf of it and when it was dimensioned it showed 75.03. The accuracy would vary on different objects.
Any solutions?

2004-11-17, 05:09 PM

Below snippets come from a DWF Composer Help document (PDF) that can be found on the Autodesk web site -

The precision of DWF drawings: 400 DPI is the default for DWF publishing because it is felt to support greater security; however, DWFs at 400 DPI are only so accurate. If higher accuracy of measurements is of greater concern, then DWFs can be generated at much higher DPI settings.

If you are communicating with the author of the DWF that contains images, or, if you are creating one from DWG Viewer, take note that the resolution can be controlled. See that the DWG is created with higher resolution (DPI) when greater accuracy of detail is required and with a lower resolution when faster performance is more important.

If accuracy is of greater concern to you than security, you can set the drawing to a higher vector DPI (1200 or 2400, for example, or a custom DPI of your choosing to as high as 100,000,000). Note, however, that using a higher vector DPI will marginally increase the DWF file size and result in slower performance (transmitting the file, opening it, and zooming and panning).

Here is the link to the actual PDF document -

DWFComposerHelp.pdf (http://www3.autodesk.com/adsk/files/4224432_DWFComposerHelp.pdf)

Have a good one, Mike

2005-11-03, 02:40 PM
On a related issue, we are experiencing a different problem with dimension accuracy in recent installations of DWF Composer 2. Dimension values are rounding up to the nearest metre. For example, a known dimension of 8150mm will display as 8000 in Composer. As you drag the cursor to select the second extension source you can see the value increasing by increments of 1000. The same DWF file can be dimensioned accurately on other PCs. There does not appear to be any means of altering this precision.
This is somewhat ironic, as one of my wishlist items for Composer was a means to specify the precision of dimension text.

Has anyone else experienced this?

2006-09-06, 08:59 AM
On a related issue, we are experiencing a different problem with dimension accuracy in recent installations of DWF Composer 2. Dimension values are rounding up to the nearest metre. For example, a known dimension of 8150mm will display as 8000 in Composer. As you drag the cursor to select the second extension source you can see the value increasing by increments of 1000. The same DWF file can be dimensioned accurately on other PCs. There does not appear to be any means of altering this precision.
This is somewhat ironic, as one of my wishlist items for Composer was a means to specify the precision of dimension text.

Has anyone else experienced this?I have a similar problem; but only in the Y-axis, the X-axis is fine. I have spoken with AutoDesk about this and they are investigating, I'll keep this thread updated with progress.

2006-09-06, 10:53 PM
This could turn out to be a new one which would make for an excellent blog topic. I look forward to your follow up posts.