View Full Version : Things checking out across links?

2009-10-30, 03:46 PM
We use all three Revits (Arch, Struct, MEP). We often run into a problem where a person in one discipline (e.g. struct) somehow has something checked out in another (e.g. arch).

Everyone clearly knows how to open "detached from Central" when they need to look at another disciplines model. I am sure a few times someone forgets and causes this problem. But I am wondering if things may be getting checked out across live links? I know this is not expected, but I am wondering if this is the case and may be a bug.

Anyone else have issues like this, where you are pretty sure the person has not been in the actual file but has things check out?

2009-10-30, 07:15 PM
You can not checkout worksets across links. You have some people not obeying your rules.

2009-11-02, 04:01 PM
You are probably correct. I will start checking the journal file when this comes up. After a quick test, if I search for "File Name" in the journal file, directly above that it will say "DetachCheckBox", "True" if opened properly.

2009-11-02, 04:44 PM
If they need to LOOK at another disciplines model, i still dont know why they have to open it at all. We put all Links on their own workset.

If i need to see Mechanical, i go to my Working 3D view, and shut off everything but mechanical. Same with Plans, Sections, etc. And i encourage everyone on the project teams to have "Working views" for that sort of thing.

No reason to open other peoples models, at all. But as mentioned, you simply CANT check out worksets across links. The only potential exception to that (and i word it that way since im not certain) is Shared Coordinates. But even then, its not a User-defined workset, its something else....

2010-08-13, 02:46 PM
And you guys thought I was crazy! Well, so did I :)

This Reivt Clinic post is no doubt the result of an ongoing support ticket we had opened through our reseller: http://revitclinic.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/08/linked-files-shared-coordinates-and-the-project-info-workset.html

It still does not totally answer our specific issue. We setup shared coordinates early and it does not change (typically). However, we do share a title block and sometimes the M/E/Struct opens the family and makes changes (once they have imported the update genereated by arch). I think this might relate to the problem. We are trying to eliminate the need for more than one group to edit the title block family and see if the problem goes away.

Will post back with more later...

2010-08-13, 03:56 PM
Shared coordinates has always been the one exception to what can push back and forth... I never liked that about the setup. It should be publishable in a broadcast sense, but that shouldnt let it force it in to other files. It should have to be acquired, IMHO.