View Full Version : MDT batch migration stalls

Geoffrey Wheeler
2009-11-04, 01:23 AM
I started a batch migration of drawing/model files from MDT3 >MDT2009. The utility chugged away fine for several drawings and then gave me an error in an assembly on its external references files; it generated a file. Here's some of the content:

External Files: Cannot be Upgraded
The following files cannot be upgraded due to the assembly structure.
Part/Subassembly Path
HEXBOLT-10X60MM F:\tech\tt2a\tt2 (mdt)\hardware\hex bolts\HexBolt-10x60mm.dwg

I think I need to process the external files first.

The batch utility won't run again. I ran MDT once before using the migration utility the first time. I tried running MDT again and then the utility - no go: Before proceeding to the second screen, a dialog box gives a safety warning: "If you have not yet backed up your files please exit and backup before proceeding" with 2 buttons, 'exit' and 'continue.' Clicking on either one closes the utility.

I've searched and haven't found anyone with a similar error on this forum, other forums nor the web. The help file doesn't have information about this error. I posted this also on the Autodesk MDT forum

2009-11-17, 01:20 PM
Geoffrey - as you mentioned it may be prudent to first convert the external files. In the case of the file listed above you should open that as a single file within Inventor, then save it prior to converting.

Sometimes the conversion process exhibits glitches and the workaround is to deal with any problem files individually and then try and rerun the batch conversion. I cant say for sure why the migration utility did not run again in your case.