View Full Version : Placing buildings into master site plan

2009-11-04, 07:45 PM
I have a large number of buildings that I would like to link into a site model, using the DWG site plan as a base. Is it best to place each building at the proper coordinates BEFORE linking it into the site model (right now their locations are arbitrary inside their individual files) or is it OK to move each building to its proper place AFTER linking, inside the site model itself?

Andre Carvalho
2009-11-05, 02:06 AM
You should model each building as close as you can from the Revit origin (somewhere between the 4 elevation marks) and close to level 0'-0" (not flying up above). To create your site file, start a new file, link the DWG and acquire coordinates from it. Then create the toposurface and link your buildings. Move each building to its final location on X, Y and Z. The last step will be publishing the coordinates from the site to each linked building.

Does that makes sense?

Andre Carvalho