View Full Version : Hidden constraints.

2009-11-04, 08:03 PM
I was creating a family for a diagonal brace. The family would consist of a gusset plate at each end of a diagonal HSS shape. The family could then be placed between two columns. Then I could schedule all the elements of this brace assembly. When creating the family I could not get the diagonal brace to move with the reference planes. If I locked the brace to the intersections of the reference plane and moved the plane, I would be told that the constraints were not satisifed. Why does Revit think I locked the length of the brace? I only locked the ends to the intersection of the references. Revit should be able to maintain all the constraints by stretching the brace. Who told it not to change the length? Serious replies only.

2009-11-04, 08:15 PM
How are you modeling the brace in your family. Are you using a framing family or a sweep? I have found that the framing families do no work well nested in families such as this and resort to using sweeps which are easier to manipulate with reference planes.