View Full Version : Crop Boundaries

2003-09-15, 05:10 AM
Hi all from Sydney !!

am a newbie to the wonderful world of revit and have won several jobs already since buying the software having convinced a number of clients to go for it and spend the extra money which is fantastic - now i have to perform, and perform quickly!!!

I have already started my first project with it, and is looking great as well. Pity it has taken about 5 months of design before even lodging the scheme with council, but anywaaaays....

I have been reading with keen itnerest all your help, the support seems sensational and the searching function helps tremendously. But i am having a problem with this new project...

I have created a new sheet and new titleblock for my swish new HP500 colour plotter - works a treat, but with this project only I am having a problem in aligning the crop boundaries of the plans in the designed veiws to re-create as I have cropped them onto the title sheet. It is re-creating, but it seems it is bigger on the title sheet and am hoping to squeeze in some sections on the sheet as well. Please see the jpeg attached.

Thanks for all or any help.

2003-09-15, 06:15 AM
Hi funkman,

I'm a bit unclear about your question.

Firstly, crop boundaries can overlap the extent of sheets. Just turn off the crop boundary visability as you have done with level 2. So, you can have views on sheets next to each other, despite the fact that their crop boundaries overlap.

If you asking about aligning views on the sheet, you will get some temporary aligning lines as you move the view around the sheet. To get specific alignments, you may need to draw temporary reference lines and move the view to match as closely as you can ( You can't use the align tool for this, yet )

The temporary aligning lines mean that the elements are lined up, not the crop boundaries ( Unless the crop boundaries have not been changed, in which case, they would also align )

In the attached example, the boundaries are turned on and overlapping, the plans align, but the boundaries don't.

Hope thats clear.

2003-09-15, 06:26 AM
thanks beegee, but I may explain it better this way...

I have the design view "level one" that is cropped directly around the extents of the grid lines as you can see in the previous jpeg - with the cropped bondaries on (only to show the extent of the boundary cropping for this exercise).

But when I place it onto the drawing sheet, the cropping boundary in the drawing sheet upsizes (vertically only) to encompass greater area than the actual cropped boundary on the design view. This means the title of the drawing sketch in that sheet is located further down from the cropped region (that is shown)

Conversely, in the site plan in the upper right corner as well as the cross section (middle right of the sheet), the titles of the sketches are directly below the cropped region, but not in the level 1 and 2 plan views.

When i hover over plan views, the extent of the region is larger than the cropped region - vertically.

does this clarify?

thanks for your help

2003-09-15, 07:52 AM
When you hover over the sheet view, you are seeing the viewport. This is different to and larger than, the cropped boundary, since it includes the view title.

You can reposition the view title anywhere on the sheet independently of the rest of the viewport.
Hover over the title and tab until "Viewport - shape handle" is highlighted, then just move it where you want.

2003-09-15, 08:08 AM
excellent - the viewport size is different to the cropped boundary size!!

thanks beegee, am getting the hang of this thing after switching from autocad.

BTW, is there a reason why the viewport is so much larger than the cropped boundary in these floor plans only and not the section and site plan? It would be good to get these viewports similar in size to their cropped boundary.

2003-09-15, 08:30 AM
The reason why the viewports are different sizes has to do with the elements contained in those views ( elevation markers, reference planes turned off ? etc )
But don't sweat it, cos it has no bearing on producing a neat looking sheet anyway.

Best to totally forget ,as far as possible, that " other " software.

Revit is a new paradigm. Seeing as you're quoting Shakespear, I'll leave you with " Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. " (also from Hamlet )

2003-09-15, 08:46 AM
well done, you will never know how many ppl mistake it for macbeth.

thanks for the help

2003-09-15, 08:59 AM
well done

If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly.

2003-09-15, 12:46 PM
You continue to amaze, Beegee!

2003-09-15, 10:19 PM
Good luck aj, if anyone can do it ....

( I was going to say something from Henry V, but the ZDBB management has put a quota on my Shakespearean quotes ... :cry: )