View Full Version : Modeling a base for a pool using building pad?

2009-11-12, 06:57 PM
I have a situation with a swimming pool in the basement area...I have assigned a "building pad" as the base of the basement, and am unsure how to model the base of the pool(which is 6' below the basement level) and avoid the earth fill in the pool area...
I tried to make two building pads,one at the basement level and the other at the base of the pool, but couldn't do so....all it did was fill up the pool area with earth fill while editing the pad sketch.....any suggestions as to how to tackle this problem or alternate ways to model the pool base?

2009-11-13, 01:42 AM
Sumedha, try editing the boundary of your build pad (the basement floor) to add the pool shape into it (a closed loop surrounded by the pad's orignal closed loop boundary). Then create another building pad for the shape of the pool and set it to the desired elevation.

Hope that helps

Scott Womack
2009-11-13, 11:59 AM
One of the "tricks" to making multiple pads a different levels like this is to do as Nacy stated, edit the pad for the "basement" adding an outline ouside of the vertical pool sides. While still in the sketch mode of that floor, select the newly drawn pool outline, and "copy" it using the copy to clipboard command. Finish the Sketch mode of that pad. Start a New pad, and then paste from clip board, and set its elevation to below the deapest part of the pool, and finish the sketch mode of the pad.

This is how to avoid the dreaded "pads cannot overlap" error message, but not have a spike of "earth" sticking through.

2009-11-16, 04:12 AM
Thanks Scott, Nancy!
Got it!
.... I was missing out on 'the Copy/Paste to clipboard' option to avoid the "pads cannot overlap" message....

Thanks a ton!

2009-11-16, 01:17 PM
This is how to avoid the dreaded "pads cannot overlap" error message, but not have a spike of "earth" sticking through.

Unfortunately I have had 2 cases where I copied pad sketches to the clipboard, pasted back into the same place, and have still ended up with earth spikes in between. In both cases it was a sloping pad abutting a flat pad (underneath ramps).

2009-11-16, 02:09 PM
I had the same problem. I tried "copy and paste" of sketches, and couldnt get the slivers to disappear. This was only happening on sloped pads joining to flat pads for a pool.

It turns out in the end, that the slivers are controlled by height offset from level in the pad instance parameters.


