View Full Version : Creating a tidy box around stanchions

2009-11-13, 02:40 PM
Im looking to create a tidy way of covering up the steel stanchions without bringing a 100mm wall around it, just enquring to see the best way of doing this as im fairly new to the program. See Photo.


2009-11-13, 05:21 PM
Why not draw 100mm walls? That's how it will be built, right?

Otherwise, you could try an architectural column centered on your structural column. The architectural column should inherit the properties of the adjacent wall in regards to section cut graphics and finishes. However, there won't be the "hole" in the middle where the steel column is.

Are those masonry walls (the core layer of that wall, gray hatched) that will stop on either side of the column, or is it more like steel stud-framed walls?